Huzhou City Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center
  • Reporting WeChat: ABCD
  • Report Mailbox:
  • Report hotline: 0572-2392621
  • Prevention and control of epidemic situation, starting from self-protection

  • National Health Commission: NCP

  • How can online media and social platforms achieve "integrity"? These five points are clear!

  • How to prevent telecom network fraud? The highest way to do it: do four "don'ts"

Four highlights of combating and managing telecom network fraud in 2023

From January to September this year, 689000 cases of telecommunication network fraud were investigated and handled; North Myanmar handed over 31000 suspects of wire fraud to me; 13.89 million people were met and dissuaded, and 328.8 billion yuan of funds involved were urgently intercepted; Draft joint punishment measures for telecom network fraud and related crimes, and solicit public opinions