Hebei Qingsu Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction

Hebei Qingsu Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd

The company is a main dye, ink, paint, pigment, resin enterprises. The company is located in Shanghai. Jiangsu. Zhejiang. Wuxi. Changzhou. Hangzhou. Jinhua. Jiaxing. Kunshan. Huzhou. Ningbo. Jiangyin. Zhangjiagang. Nantong. Haimen. Yixing. Shaoxing. Guangdong. Suzhou. Wuzhong Bus Station Office. All kinds of materials and products that can be bought, sold and used after the expiration of the perennial recycled inventory. Chemical auxiliaries, dyes, pigments, resins, paints, inks, rubber, hot-melt adhesives, titanium dioxide, paraffin, flavors, rosin, curing agent, antioxidant, accelerator, flame retardant, emulsifier, polyvinyl alcohol printing paint paste, polyether polyols, isocyanates, food additives, leather additives, plastic additives and raw materials, rubber additives and raw materials, paint additives and raw materials Daily chemical raw materials, surplus chemical raw materials of various chemical plants, whether solid, powder, particle or needle, and thousands of other chemical raw materials are collected in cash. Welcome to call! View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Hebei Qingsu Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Recycled chemical raw materials, dye pigments, inks and paints, pigments and coatings
  • Handan, Hebei
  • Recycled chemical raw materials, dye pigments, inks and paints, pigments and coatings
  • Private enterprises
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Company Information

  • Hebei Qingsu Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat is not authenticated
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 4 days
  • Clean and recycle resources
  • Private enterprises
  • 2019-07-06
  • Recycle chemical raw materials, dye toner, ink and paint,
  • Hebei Handan Hucun Town

contact information

  • Hu Xing
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊣򈊠򈊣򈊢򈊠򈊢򈊨򈊧򈊠
  • eighteen billion three hundred and three million two hundred and two thousand eight hundred and seventy
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat is not authenticated
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 4 days
Recent visitors
  • A netizen from Gongyi, Zhengzhou, Henan visited this page with his mobile phone in search two days ago
  • Netizens in Yuzhong, Chongqing visited this page a week ago by searching for "waste dye treatment plants" on their mobile phones
  • Gongyi netizens in Zhengzhou, Henan visited this page with their mobile phones in search a week ago
  • Netizens of Fengfeng Mining Area in Handan, Hebei visited this page with their mobile phones in Baidu search a month ago
  • Hebei Shijiazhuang Xinle Netizen visited this page with his mobile phone in Baidu search a month ago
About us
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Name: Hebei Qingsu Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊣򈊠򈊣򈊢򈊠򈊢򈊨򈊧򈊠
Address: Hucun Town
Main products
Recycled chemical raw materials, dye pigments, inks and paints, pigments and coatings

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