Online ordering of Qinzhou train tickets

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Train No./model Departure/Arrival Sent/Arrived Run Time Reference fare Online booking
seven thousand three hundred and twenty-one 15:12/16:54
same day
2 hours and 6 minutes
Hard seat: 9 yuan
Hard sleeper: 23/25/27 yuan
set out Xiao Dong
arrive Nanning
same day
2 hours and 10 minutes
99 km
Hard seat: 10.5 yuan
Hard sleeper: 24/6.5/51 yuan
K9309 10:59/12:07
same day
1 hour 13 minutes
Hard seat: 9 yuan
arrive Nanning
same day
1 hour 56 minutes
135 km
Hard seat: 13 yuan
K9319 15:29/16:36
same day
1 hour and 12 minutes
Hard seat: 19 yuan
soft seats: 23 yuan
arrive Nanning
same day
1 hour 54 minutes
135 km
Hard seat: 23 yuan
soft seats: RMB 29
Warm prompt: The online booking information of Qinzhou train tickets is only for reference. If there is any change in the train number information and price, please refer to the ticket sales information of the train station on that day.

Guangxi Train Ticket Online Booking