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Today, there are multiple showers in western and southern Hunan. There will be heavy rain in southern Hunan tomorrow

[Font: large   in   Small 2024-05-17 10:08:47 Source: China Weather Network Hunan Station  

Changsha is sunny this morning.

According to the China Weather Network, today (May 17), the southerly wind strengthened, and the western and southern parts of Hunan were located behind the high pressure, with showers or thunderstorms; From tomorrow to 19th, affected by the high trough, low and middle vortex shear and jet stream, there will be small to medium showers or thunderstorms in most parts of the province, including heavy rain in southern Hunan and local heavy rain.

The live monitoring shows that from 07:00 yesterday to 07:00 today, there were showers or thunderstorms in southwest Hunan, and other areas were cloudy on sunny days; The maximum temperature is 29~31 ℃; The minimum temperature is 18~20 ℃.

Hunan Meteorological Station predicted that there would be multiple intermittent precipitation in western and southern Hunan on the 17th; From 18th to 19th, there was heavy rain in southern Hunan, local heavy rain; From the 20th to the 21st, the precipitation weakened, with light rain. There is no obvious influence of cold air, and the temperature is relatively stable. Specifically:

From day to night on the 17th, there were small to moderate showers or thunderstorms on cloudy days in western and southern Hunan, and cloudy days on sunny days in other regions; South wind 2~3; The highest temperature is 31~33 ℃ in north Hunan, 26~28 ℃ in southwest Hunan, and 29~31 ℃ in other regions; The lowest temperature is 18~20 ℃ in western Hunan and 20~22 ℃ in other regions.

From day to night on the 18th, there were heavy to heavy rains in central and southern Huaihua, western Shaoyang, Yongzhou, and western Chenzhou, heavy rains in Yongzhou (Daoxian County, Jianghua, Jiangyong, Lanshan), moderate showers or thunderstorms in overcast days in western and southern Hunan, and cloudy to showers or thunderstorms in other regions; The south wind is 2~3, and the local gust is 8 in thunderstorm; The highest temperature is 28~30 ℃ in northern and central Hunan, 24~26 ℃ in western and southern Hunan; The lowest temperature is 18~20 ℃ in western Hunan and 20~22 ℃ in other regions.

From day to night on the 19th, there were heavy rains in northern Changde and southern Hunan, heavy rains in southern Yongzhou, southern Chenzhou and southern Zhuzhou, heavy rains in Chenzhou (Guidong, Rucheng and Yizhang), and small to moderate showers or thunderstorms in other regions on cloudy days; The southerly wind turns to the northerly wind at 2~3 levels, and the local gust at thunderstorm is at 8 levels; The highest temperature is 26~28 ℃ in northern, central and southeast Hunan, and 23~25 ℃ in other regions; The lowest temperature is 17~19 ℃ in western Hunan and 20~22 ℃ in other regions.

Meteorological experts remind that in the near future, it is necessary to seize the rainfall intermission to harvest mature rape, and timely carry out the transplanting of crops such as rice and cotton. In addition, it is necessary to prevent secondary disasters such as floods in small and medium-sized rivers, mountain torrents, geological disasters and urban waterlogging that may be induced by heavy rainfall in southwest and southern Hunan since the 18th, and pay attention to the adverse effects of local severe convection weather. (Photo/Dai Shueru)

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