Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
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  • Jinhua recovers stannous chloride

    Source: Handan Congtai District Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd Time: 2024-09-27 04:28:21 [Report]

    Second hand chemical raw materials are recycled here and can be supplied at the same time. The expired chemical raw materials in stock cannot be thrown away or used. Come to me. I have the recycling qualification. The company recycles the expired chemical raw materials, chemical additives, chemical solvents, chemical waste, dimethyl sulfoxide, DMF, Methanol, residual waste dyes, pigments, waste resins, pigments, additives, chemical raw materials, chemical reagents, expired paints at the customs, relocation, debt auctions, enamel ceramic colors, various high-temperature and low-temperature ceramic colors, zirconium series, wrapping series, tin series, cobalt series, zinc series and other colors, special products: wrapping red, wrapping yellow, Wrapped orange, wrapped green, zircon red, vanadium zirconium blue, vanadium zirconium yellow, zirconium praseodymium yellow, chromium tin violet, tin antimony grey, chromium tin red, titanium yellow, red brown, gold brown, cobalt black, cobalt blue, cobalt free black, royal blue, green, pore green, fruit green, chrome green, thick green, yttrium red, ferrosilicon red, aluminum iron red, gold paste, gold water, floral paper color, cadmium red, cadmium purple, cadmium orange, chromium green, cobalt blue, cobalt green, Organic and inorganic pigments and various metallic chromium, chromium oxide, electrofusion chromium oxide, as well as various chromium containing materials, selenium oxide, selenium powder, antimony oxide, antimony trioxide, cobalt oxide, cobalt trioxide, lithium cobalate, nickel oxide, nickel aluminum catalyst, tin oxide, tin dioxide, bismuth oxide, copper oxide, neodymium oxide, erbium oxide, praseodymium oxide, enamel ceramic glaze, refractory silicon carbide, Silicon carbide square beam waste, corundum, zirconia, zirconia, zirconium oxychloride, magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum oxide, various zirconium balls, aluminum balls, dyes, dye intermediates, pharmaceutical intermediates, pigments, paints, inks, resins, pastes, flavors, solvents, heavy metal reagents, heavy metal additives, spices, synthetic rubber, natural rubber, rubber additives, paraffin, Hot melt adhesive, guar gum, phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride, copper gold powder, silver powder, aluminum silver paste, gold onion powder, cosmetic raw materials, daily chemical raw materials, antioxidant, antioxidant, polyether,, crude benzene, pure benzene, floor paint, wood paint, curing agent, residual engineering coatings, zinc rich primer, ship paint, waste engine oil, white oil, heat transfer oil, transformer oil, waste paraffin, stearic acid, styrene butadiene rubber, NBR, triethylamine, diethylamine, essence, spice, antistatic agent, copper sulfate, nickel sulfate; All kinds of liquid additives, solid additives, provide the same information and share dividends

    Guangzhou Huaqi Maotai flavor is made from spice essential oil and various flavoring materials through special blending and matching technology, which is a high concentration liquid flavor. It has a strong fragrance, attractive oil smell, and a strong sauce flavor similar to pepper sauce, with fried pepper aroma and pot atmosphere; The taste is full and the lips and teeth leave fragrance, which brings natural and mellow appetites to the product. Add 0.1%~0.3% to give the product a strong soy sauce flavor and enhance appetite.

    Tin chloride, chemical formula SnCl2. It is white or white monoclinic crystal system. The relative density is 2.710, the melting point is 37.7 degrees, and it dissolves into hydrochloric acid and basic salt at the melting point. The density of anhydrous matter is 3.950g/cm3, and the boiling point is 623 degrees. It can be dissolved into hydrochloric acid and basic salt at the melting point. It is easily soluble in water, alcohol and glacial acetic acid. Its solubility in concentrated hydrochloric acid is greatly increased, and it can also exist in the form of monohydrate and tetrahydrate.

    Toxicity protection of stannous chloride:
    During the production process, tin dust should be prevented from being inhaled to avoid chronic disease. Contact between stannous chloride solution and skin can cause chronic disease. The inorganic compound of tin with high allowable concentration specified in the United States is 2mg/m3 (calculated by metallic tin). The production personnel shall wear work clothes, gas masks, gloves and other labor protection articles, pay attention to the protection of respiratory organs and skin, and the production equipment shall be sealed and the workshop shall be well ventilated.

    Physicochemical properties of stannous chloride:
    Colorless or white plagioclase crystallization. The relative density is 2.710. Melting point 37.7 ℃. It dissolves into hydrochloric acid and basic salt at the melting point. It is gradually oxidized into insoluble chlorine oxides in the air. It is soluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid, and its solubility in concentrated hydrochloric acid is greatly increased. It will decompose when encountering water. Neutral aqueous solution is easy to decompose to generate precipitation, and acidic solution has strong reducibility, which can reduce CrO42 - to Cr3+, Cu2+to Cu+, Hg2+to Hg+and Hg, Ag+to Ag, and Fe3+to Fe2+; It can reduce nitro compounds to amines. It reacts with alkali to generate water and oxide precipitation, but when the amount of alkali is excessive, it generates soluble stannite. Low toxicity, high allowable concentration 2mg/m3.

    Tin dichloride (also known as stannous chloride) has a strong reduction ability. In industry, stannous chloride is often used to reduce other metals, which is one of the commonly used reducing agents in chemistry; In the dye industry, it can also be used as a vehicle dye.

    Label: Jinhua recovers stannous chloride, Gongzhuling recovers stannous chloride, Lianjiang recovers stannous chloride, Pulandian recovers stannous chloride

Company Information

  • Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 4 days
  • Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • limited company
  • 2017-10-25
  • Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin and polyether
  • Hebei Handan Rong, No. 669, Beicang Road, Congtai District, Handan, Hebei

contact information

Li Xinjun


three billion three hundred and two million fifty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-five

Information classification

  • > Recycled dyes
  • > Recycle ink
  • > Recovered resin
  • > Recycle daily chemical raw materials
  • > Recycling chemical equipment
  • > Recovered pigment
  • > Recycle hot melt adhesive
  • > Recovered paraffin
  • > Recycle paint
  • > Recycled polyurethane
  • > Recycled rubber
  • > Recycled plastic additives
  • > Recycling electroplating auxiliaries
  • > Recycled food additives
  • > Recycle chemical additives
  • > Recycle chemical raw materials
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Name: Handan Congtai District Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
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Address: 13-1-502, Rongsheng Garden, No. 669, Beicang Road, Congtai District, Handan, Hebei
Main products
Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin, polyether polyol and plastic additives

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