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      400 students received a donation of 152000 yuan for love glasses

      Released at 11:19:03 on September 24, 2023, Long term effective , 124 Browse
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    • Area: Huantai
      • Q Q: eight hundred and sixty-seven million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-nine QQ online chat
      • contacts: Wang Sujie
      • Telephone: 188****2223 Click to view the full number
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    • Information Details

    Release date: July 12, 2023 Source: Huantai government website

    On July 11, the Huantai New Class Friendship Association held a love activity for outstanding student representatives in the county, and donated 152000 yuan worth of myopic glasses to 400 students who had achieved excellent results in the middle school and college entrance examinations this year. Zhao Yuezhu, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, head of the Publicity Department and head of the United Front Work Department, attended the event and delivered a speech.

    Zhao Yuezhu pointed out that helping students with love is a noble act of kindness that contributes to the present age and benefits the future. Today, the new class of caring enterprises and caring people represented by Liqun Glasses are rich and ambitious, rich and thoughtful. This donation of public welfare activities will further advocate that all sectors of society respect culture and education, pay attention to and help vulnerable groups, and vigorously create poverty alleviation and help others The social atmosphere of devotion has played a positive role.

    Zhao Yuezhu stressed that he hoped that students who received donations would turn gratitude into their ambition to become talents, turn gratitude into the source of strength, cherish the good conditions created by the Party Committee, the government and caring people for everyone, be grateful and enterprising, cherish Shaohua, aim high, devote themselves to learning, and repay their parents and society with outstanding achievements; It is hoped that the education system of the whole county will always follow the pace of the times, follow the development strategy of the county party committee and the county government of "co prosperity of industry and city, urban and rural integration", base on the current situation, actively integrate the development of education into the development framework of the whole county, and respond to the deep concern of the society for education with excellent educational quality achievements; It is hoped that the new class organization in our county will make further progress, give full play to the role of the sorority as a bridge and link, find its own position, actively play its advantages, guide the new class member enterprises and caring people, and give more care and support to the social and public undertakings of the whole county while promoting the development and growth of enterprises, so that the great love charity can flow into a river and benefit Huantai.

    (Wang Xiao, a reporter from Huantai Financial Media, reported)

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