Dongci Jiaai: Height+strength determines brand influence

2013-09-25 09:34:19   Source: China Franchise Network   5846 people participated
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Interview with Xiao Xianggui, General Manager of Purification Technology Marketing of Zhejiang Hengdian Group Dongci Co., Ltd



Xiao Xianggui: Graduated from the University of Wales (Newport) in England with an MBA, and once worked as a journalist in television stations and a well-known brand consulting management consulting company in China; More than ten years of work experience has successfully provided mainland brand marketing planning and integration for French Cartina wine, Russian "Tiger Head" tincture wine, MATISS Marty's Scotch whisky, National Cellar 1573, Huangcang Dry Red Wine, mineral water, American Dabaolong Chain International Group, Zhaoen Smart Choice, Summit Industry and other enterprises and brands. He used to be the manager of a well-known water purifier brand in China, and is good at future development strategic planning, brand marketing strategic planning and marketing operation management.  

Some famous professional cases: sponsorship, planning and promotion of MATISS Marty's Scotch Whisky Jacky Cheung's "Long time no see" global lecture tour, marketing positioning of mineral water "water" brand, "5.12 Earthquake relief good volunteer" title, and special award of volunteers from the Ministry of Water Resources. Although he himself kept a low profile, relevant reports were published in dozens of media, such as Water Conservancy News, CCTV Online, Crystal News, Southern Metropolis Daily, etc. Now he is the general manager of purification technology marketing of Zhejiang Hengdian Group Dongci Co., Ltd., the initiator and leader of the brand culture of "home" and "love"!  

Turning to the "Dongci Jiaai" platform, "listed companies attach great importance to the brand and project of Dongci Jiaai and the impact of the project on the interests of listed companies and shareholders. In the priority quarter of this year, the project of Dongci Jiaai announced at the priority extraordinary shareholders' meeting, and the company's stock has therefore risen and closed." Mr. Xiao Xianggui told the reporter of the "Direct Drinking Water Age", Although it has only been more than three years since Dongci Jia'ai set foot in the purification business, with the background of listed companies, group members and strong brand strategy, it can be said that Dongci Jia'ai stands on the shoulders of giants, cuts into the purification business that directly focuses on people's physical and mental health with high quality and high starting point, and highly determines the brand influence! It also determines the future of the brand!  

Talking about the development process of the brand, Mr. Xiao Xianggui confidently told the reporter that the company's water purification products have gained the reputation of The Ministry of Health has issued the approval document for the hygiene license of domestic products related to drinking water hygiene and safety. The company's air purifier won the honor of Zhejiang Provincial New Industrial Product last year; Since March this year, it has become a CCTV+exhibition brand, which will further enhance the brand of Dongci Jiaai! It is by no means an accident that TMC Caritas can stand out from the competitive industry. The global brand service system and brand marketing strategy of Dongci Jiaai are rare in the water purification industry.  

Brand strength adds love to water purification industry  

The reason why Dongci Jiaai can occupy the high starting point of purification cause so quickly is that Dongci has its own scientific research organizations and institutions with high-end talents such as academician workstations, postdoctoral workstations, research institutes, purification science and technology research centers, and has product development and quality control systems and processes that have been precipitated for decades; Moreover, as a listed enterprise, Dongci needs to go through extremely strict processes, including high quality standards and strict management, as a finalized product leaves the factory. " Mr. Xiao Xianggui expressed his deep confidence in front of the reporter of the Times of Drinking Water Directly. As early as 1999, with the approval of the Ministry of Personnel, Dongci has set up a high standard enterprise postdoctoral research station in 2000, and has established qualified technical cooperation relationships with Peking University, University, Zhejiang University, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other famous universities; Take projects with high starting point, high technology and huge market potential as post doctoral research projects to carry out research and development, combine strength with strength, build a high standard quality management system, and accelerate the industrialization of scientific research achievements. These are all qualified carriers for the creation of "Dongci Jiaai" technology and the cultivation of high-end talents; It is also a powerful support for the high-end core technology and good quality of the "Dongci Jiaai" brand.  

Give more love to the dealer for the brand service  

When a reporter asked about the preferential distribution policies that dealers generally care about and that would be provided by Dongci Jiaai, "agents and Dongci Jiaai form a community of interests, rather than simply join in cooperation. Dongci Jiaai will not use the so-called preferential policies, free distribution and other bluff of" sheep's hair comes from sheep's body "to attract agents. The future development strategy of the company, which supports the development of dealers and shares brand interests, is determined by the strength background of listed companies. Enterprises without strength cannot do it, and brands without long-term development strategic planning cannot do it at all! This is a very critical point! " Mr. Xiao Xianggui told the reporter of Drinking Water Times very firmly and confidently, "The dealer must come to the company for training in person and require to master the basic principles, that is, the skills of installers and salesmen. Only after these basic skills are fully mastered, can the dealer realize the profound significance of the company's requirements in the future operation of the 'Dongci Jiaai' brand." To obtain the agency and distribution rights of Dongci Jiaai, A fundamental principle is that the management of the agent partners must be mentored, and the marketing managers of the agent partners must be professional!  

Brand enterprises love the public  

In addition, as a subsidiary brand of a listed company that occupies a global priority market share in a certain technology field, "Dongci Plus Love Platform realizes the social responsibility of Hengdian Dongci Group as an outstanding industrial enterprise in the world of professional fields." He and his team have been carrying forward with a heavy load, and will continue to carry forward with a heavy load in the future. "We need to spend a lot of energy and time in the operation process to invest in the brand building, management and maintenance of Dongci Jiaai, including reporting to the board of directors of the company. Dongci Jiaai has been investing heavily in brand building, low-key precipitation. I hope we can really make a solid foundation!"  

Unconsciously, it was time to say goodbye. After the interview, Mr. Xiao Xianggui talked about the future planning and brand development strategy of Dongci Jiaai to the reporter of the "era of direct drinking water", which was still like the lingering sound of three days of confusion, leaving us a deep impression. We have reason to believe that Dongci Jiaai will bring a unique brand building concept and new situation to the water purification industry, demonstrating a rare Dongci Jiaai!  

Extended reading:  

Hengdian Group Dongci Co., Ltd., founded in 1980 with a registered capital of 410.9 million yuan, was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2006. It is a large science and technology leading enterprise integrating production, operation, scientific research, technology development and information service. It is a high-tech enterprise demonstrated by the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is a "brand product", "product" and "brand with a certain reputation".  

With the business philosophy of "using the people of the world, gathering the resources of the world, and seeking the benefits of the world", the brand belief of "adding some love to life", the goal of "letting the people drink clean water, breathe fresh air, and have a better working and living environment", and the focus of scientific innovation and scientific management, the company has carefully cultivated the brand of "Dongci Jiaai", Implement the sustainable development strategy with scientific research and products, service and marketing, brand and development as the core, promote the taste of human household life needs, and promote the rapid development of human healthy life industry.  

Project details:

 Qianxiang Environmental Protection
  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Pay attention to environmental protection
  • eleven thousand seven hundred and four people Consultation on environmental protection

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