Join in the recycling of old clothes, ok? Agency fees for old clothes

2022-09-04 10:00:00   Source: China Franchise Network   594 people participated
  • Business scope: new industry
  • Number of stores: 4098
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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The old clothes recycling business is now trusted and targeted by many partners in the recycling industry. Is it good to join the old clothes recycling business? As well as the question of how much the used clothes agency fees are, I'm afraid, the first question we are curious about. First of all, because of the improvement of people's living standards, many people want to sell their old clothes, so as to make more space for new clothes, so there is a great opportunity for development in terms of market demand.

How about joining in the recycling of used clothes? The nature of environmental protection and the principle of "waste reuse" have made many people look forward to the brand tonality of the project after seeing its advantages. Moreover, once the configured business model is enabled, even the inexperienced Xiaobai can do the same good business. It is reported that only a few days' training is needed, which should be said to be very simple. The flexibility of the old clothes recycling project is also reflected in the business that can be done throughout the city, and the opportunity to fully improve the revenue of stores.

Of course, many people are very concerned about the agency fees for used clothes. After all, if you want to do business in the whole city, you will need 3-4 medium-sized trucks. The business transportation that can realize the city wide running is a key link. Since it is door-to-door recycling, it is necessary to prepare an integrated service channel for calculation, transportation and settlement, in which the rental and purchase of vehicles are equivalent to the purchase of fixed assets for franchise stores, which may require hundreds of thousands of expenses and cost preparation. The corresponding office space is also a necessary part. It is enough to rent a large warehouse. Generally, the rent varies from tens of thousands of yuan per year, and the recycled old clothes need to be killed and disposed by special personnel. Therefore, the recruitment of the corresponding shipping boys and distribution staff is an indispensable expense. Each of them needs a salary standard of about 50000 to 80000 yuan per year.

Nowadays, there are not few people in the market who are mainly engaged in the business of recycling used clothes. In order to make your project known as soon as possible, it is important to publicize the budget. Combined with this article, how about joining in the recycling of old clothes? This project is very good in terms of environmental protection and market demand. Just looking at the agency fees for used clothes, you need to prepare a budget of at least 300000 to 500000 yuan in advance to do this business. If you are interested in the old clothes recycling project, you can do content consulting with your curious project to quickly start a great business!

label: Used clothes recycling franchise Where can I join in the recycling of old clothes
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