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Shi Zhijun Investigates Jinhu: Promoting the Development of County Economy to Achieve New Breakthroughs

On June 26, Shi Zhijun, secretary of Huai'an Municipal Party Committee, visited Jinhu County for investigation. He stressed that we should thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, conscientiously implement the requirements of the deployment of the sixth plenary session of the 14th provincial party committee, adhere to practical results, reform and innovation, deepen the implementation of the five key issues to be solved by the municipal party committee this year, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and ensure high-quality completion of various goals and tasks, We will make every effort to promote the development of county economy to achieve new breakthroughs. Sun Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, and He Baoxiang, secretary of the Jinhu County Party Committee, participated in the survey. [Details]

The 24th Golden Lake Lotus Festival will open on June 10 and last until October. Jinhu is known as the "Hometown of Lotus Culture in China" and the "Inheritance Base of Lotus Culture in China", with rich Dutch cultural resources and unique economic value. Through long-term planting practice, Jinhu has formed a lotus culture with regional characteristics. Every summer, the lotus blooms, attracting a large number of tourists. During this year's Lotus Festival, Jinhu County will organize and plan a series of activities to promote consumption, benefit people's livelihood and strengthen industry, comprehensively promote high-quality development of the county, and constantly improve its brand effect, so that the "City of Lotus" will become a beautiful card reflecting the beautiful and prosperous conditions of Jinhu County.