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Notice on Recruitment of 5 Persons for Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province in 2024 Enter reading mode

Notice on Recruitment of 5 Persons for Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province in 2024 Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2024-06-25 17:34:56 |Source: Dongtai Municipal People's Government

Due to job vacancies and work needs, we are now recruiting full-time government firefighters and fire protection clerks to the public. Relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Posts and number of employees

01 Position: 2 alarm receiving dispatchers;

02 Position: 1 office clerk of the Consumer Affairs Committee;

03 Position: 1 fire propaganda clerk;

04 Position: 1 accountant.

2、 Qualifications

1. Citizens with the nationality of the People's Republic of China abide by the Constitution and laws of the country, have good moral sentiments and psychological quality, strong sense of discipline, and can abide by work confidentiality discipline.

2. Volunteer to engage in fire fighting and rescue work, have the spirit of loyalty, dedication, hard work, and obey the organization's distribution.

3. They are healthy, have no history of mental illness, have no genetic, chronic or infectious diseases, have no tattoos and scars that affect face, appearance and function, and have normal body appearance, which conforms to the Physical Examination Standards for Recruited Citizens.

4. Abide by disciplines and laws, have no criminal record, and pass the political review.

5. For specific requirements and qualifications related to the posts to be recruited, see Annex II "Post Requirements for Staff Publicly Recruited by Dongtai Municipal Government's Full time Fire Station".

6. Under any of the following circumstances, the employee shall not be employed:

① Having received criminal punishment or public security administration punishment;

② Having relatively serious personal bad credit records;

③ Those who have refused to serve in the army or been punished by the army;

④ Those who have worked in state organs, institutions, or other government full-time fire rescue stations and have been dismissed or dismissed;

⑤ Suspected of committing a crime or having no clear knowledge of illegal practices;

⑥ Others who are not suitable for fire rescue.

3、 Work and treatment

(1) Working time and place

After passing the pre job training and assessment, post 01 was assigned to the fire rescue station on Lvyuan Road, Dongtai City, and post 02, 03 and 04 were assigned to the fire rescue brigade in Dongtai City. 02-04 The fire control clerk will work for 8 hours, with a probation period of 2 months, in accordance with the statutory holidays and the national labor law holiday provisions; 01 The call receiving dispatcher implements the irregular working system, and implements the 24-hour on duty system during work, with an average of 8 days off per month. If there are major fire security or irresistible factors affecting his participation, he will arrange compensatory leave in due time afterwards. The probation period is 2 months, and the monthly leave period is 4 days.

(2) Relevant treatment

A labor contract shall be signed for the proposed employee who has no objection to the publicity. The probation period is two months. If the employee fails to pass the assessment of the employer after the probation period, the labor relationship shall be terminated. The office clerk, fire protection publicity clerk and accountant of the CC shall be guaranteed at least 65000 yuan/year, including salary, performance, welfare, insurance, etc. The alarm receiving dispatcher shall be guaranteed according to the standard of no less than 100000 yuan/year, including salary, performance, welfare, insurance, etc., which shall be paid according to the actual post salary.

4、 Application procedure

(1) Registration method: personnel in Yancheng area shall register on site by themselves, and personnel from other provinces and cities shall register via email.

(2) Registration time: June 26 to July 5, 2024 (8:30-11:30 a.m., 14:30-18:00 p.m.).

(3) Registration place: Dongtai Fire Rescue Center (east of Jijiadun Bus Station); Contact: Zhu Penghao; Tel: 18651679672, E-mail:

(4) Materials required for registration: ① Submit 3 recent one inch bareheaded front color photos of yourself; ② Fill in the Application Form for Recruitment of Government Full time Firefighters by Dongtai Municipal Government Full time Fire Station; ③ One original and one copy of ID card; ④ One original and one copy of the graduation certificate and degree certificate, and one original and one copy of the certificate of certification of overseas academic qualifications and degrees from the Ministry of Education's China Overseas Study Service Center; ⑤ The local public security bureau has issued the certificate of no criminal record, and the retired soldiers of the army need to bring the original and one copy of the retirement certificate and other relevant certification materials.

Candidates who have passed the application qualification review will take the exam at the specified time. See the Examination Permit for the time and place of the exam (the issuance time of the Examination Permit will be notified separately). Candidates must maintain smooth communication during the application period.

(5) Notes for registration: The applicant must provide the application materials truthfully. Anyone who practices fraud will be disqualified once verified. Candidates must keep communication unblocked. If the contact information provided cannot be contacted, the examinee shall be responsible for the consequences.

5、 Recruitment procedures

(1) Physical fitness test

1. Those who have passed the qualification review will participate in the physical fitness test. Specific requirements and standards for physical fitness test are detailed in Annex III: Requirements and Standards for Physical Fitness Test and Skill Test of Personnel Publicly Recruited by Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade.

2. The physical fitness test score is 100 points.

3. Candidates should carry their own identity cards and physical fitness test admission cards.

4. The time and place of physical fitness test will be notified later.

(2) Skill test

1. See Annex III: Requirements and Standards for Physical Fitness Test and Skill Test of Publicly Recruited Staff of Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade for specific requirements and standards for skill test.

2. Candidates should take their own ID cards and skill test notice to participate in the skill test.

3. The time, place and method of skill test will be notified later.

(3) Interview

1. The candidates who pass the post physical fitness test shall be selected to participate in the interview (including the last one with the same score) according to the sum of physical fitness test and skill test scores from high to low, and the candidates who are less than 1:3 shall be selected according to the actual number of candidates. Structured interview is adopted for the interview, which mainly tests the business ability and comprehensive quality required to perform the job responsibilities. The total score of the interview is 100 points, and the score line of qualified interview is 60 points.

2. Candidates should bring their own ID cards and interview notice.

3. The interview time, place and method will be notified later.

(4) Calculation method of total score

Total score of (01 position)=physical ability test score × 30%+skill test score × 40%+interview score × 30%;

(02, 03, 04 positions) total score=physical ability test score × 10%+skill test score × 60%+interview score × 30%.

6、 Employment

(1) Physical examination. Those who pass the psychological test shall participate in the physical examination. When the physical examination personnel are vacant due to automatic abandonment and other reasons, they shall be filled in the same position according to the total score from high to low. You must take a psychological test before making up. After passing the psychological test, you can take a physical examination. The items and standards of physical examination shall refer to the Physical Examination Standards for Recruited Citizens, and the expenses for physical examination shall be borne by the applicant.

(2) Inspection. Inspect the qualified personnel. In case of vacancy due to unqualified inspection and other reasons, fill in the vacancy in turn (the method of filling is the same as that of physical examination). The investigation is mainly aimed at the examination of the applicant's actual resume and whether there is any violation of law and discipline. The time and method of the political trial will be notified separately.

(3) Publicity. According to the results of physical examination and inspection, the list of proposed employees shall be determined and publicized on the Dongtai government website for at least 7 working days. In case of problems reported in the process of publicity, if it is verified that they do not meet the employment conditions, the employment qualification shall be canceled, and among the candidates for the same position, the total score shall be supplemented from high to low and the publicity shall be supplemented.

(4) Sign labor contract. Sign a labor contract with the proposed employee who has no objection to the publicity. The probation period is two months. If the employee fails to pass the examination of the employer after the probation period, the labor relationship will be terminated.

7、 Recruitment consultation telephone

Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade is responsible for the recruitment policy consultation. Tel.: 0515-60609005.

8、 Recruitment supervision

The recruitment work adheres to the principles of democracy, openness, competition and merit. The whole process is subject to the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision department and the society. Supervision telephone: 0515-60609006.

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Annex I: Application Form for Public Recruitment of Staff of Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade

Annex II: Post Requirements Form for Publicly Recruited Staff of Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade

Annex III: Requirements and Standards for Physical Fitness Test and Skill Test of Personnel Publicly Recruited by Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade

Original title: Notice on Public Recruitment of Staff of Dongtai Fire Rescue Brigade in 2024


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