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2025 Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination Line Test Questions Bank: Line Test Judgment and Reasoning Simulation Questions (5.22) Enter reading mode

2025 Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination Line Test Questions Bank: Line Test Judgment and Reasoning Simulation Questions (5.22) Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2024-05-22 15:39:47 |Source: Jiangsu Zhonggong Education

 Jiangsu Civil Servant Past Year Test Questions

2025 Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination Announcement Not released yet, to help candidates better prepare for the exam Jiangsu Provincial Examination For the written test, Jiangsu Zhonggong Education has sorted out the following questions for everyone: 2025 Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination Line Test Questions Bank: Line Test Judgment and Reasoning Simulation Questions (5.22); Please pay attention to more simulated questions of Jiangsu civil servant examination Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination Line test column!

Row test question bank: row test judgment reasoning simulation questions

1. Four college graduates, Zhang, Wang, Li and Zhao, were recruited to the same large company, each of whom was responsible for a job. One of them is responsible for administration, one for sales, one for research and development, and the other for security. Known:

① Zhang doesn't do administrative management or security;

② Wang does not do administrative management or research and development;

③ If Zhang did not do research and development, then Zhao did not do administrative management;

④ Li does not do administrative management, nor does he do security;

⑤ Zhao doesn't do research and development, nor does he do security.

It can be concluded that:

A. Zhang does sales, Li does R&D, B. Zhao does R&D, Li does sales

C. Li does sales, Zhang does R&D, D. Li does R&D, Zhao does security

2. If the cumulative amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere exceeds 3200 billion tons, the threshold of controlling the temperature rise within 2 ° C will not be maintained by the end of this century. Some scientists believe that in order to achieve the goal of controlling the temperature rise within 2 ° C, it is not enough to limit emissions only. It is necessary to carry out large-scale recycling of atmospheric carbon dioxide globally, so that the degree of atmospheric pollution can be effectively controlled and alleviated.

If the above scientists' ideas are to be established, which of the following should be added as a prerequisite:

A. Popularize scientific knowledge about climate change worldwide

B. Governments launch effective policies to control emissions

C. The scientific community integrates resources to support the development of geo engineering technology

D. Mechanisms for effective recycling and storage are established everywhere

3. Some experts believe that the global economy is slowly recovering. The main evidence is that the economic performance of the United States exceeded expectations, and it has performed well in employment and housing; The European Central Bank has launched the financing operation plan, which uses lower interest rate loans to finance more enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises; The whole global commodity market has established enough confidence. Therefore, these are very good signs.

If the following items are true, it is most likely to be the premise of the above argument:

A. Experts have previously expressed negative views on the US economy

B. The original interest rate of the European Central Bank is high, and the bank is tight

C. The economic situation of non European and American countries remained stable

D. Global bulk commodity transactions lack confidence support

Row test question bank: row test to judge the answer of reasoning simulation questions

1. [Answer] C. Chinese company resolution: the list of conditions ① ② ④ ⑤ is as follows:

So the answer is C.

2. [Answer] D. Zhonggong's analysis: this topic has a special form, only the conclusion without argument, and it is a practical demonstration. The conclusion of this topic is that carbon dioxide recovery should be carried out on a large scale worldwide, so it must be based on the feasibility of the scheme to supplement the premise. Item A: Popularization of scientific knowledge on climate change has nothing to do with carbon dioxide recovery action, and cannot be excluded as a prerequisite. Item B, the control of carbon dioxide emissions has nothing to do with the recovery of carbon dioxide, and cannot be excluded as a prerequisite. Option C, the development of geo engineering technology is also irrelevant to the carbon dioxide recovery action. For option D, effective recovery and storage mechanisms can be established everywhere, which proves that it is feasible to carry out carbon dioxide recovery activities worldwide, so this topic selects D.

3. [Answer] C. Zhonggong Analysis: The form of this question is enumeration induction. The argument is that the European economy and the American economy have shown a trend of improvement, and the conclusion is that the global economy is slowly recovering. Therefore, the premise should be supplemented by means of supplementing the scope. Item A, the previous attitude of experts to the US economy has nothing to do with the current global economic situation, which is irrelevant. Item B: The original interest rate of the European Central Bank was high and the money supply was tight, but now the loan is lower, which can only show that the European economy is recovering, not the situation of the global economy, not the premise of the argument. In item C, the stem of the question has discussed that the economy in Europe and the United States is recovering, and this item just adds that the economic situation in non European and American countries is also recovering. After adding the scope, it proves that the global economy is recovering. Item D: The lack of confidence support for global bulk commodity trading indicates that the bulk commodity trading market has not recovered, which weakens the conclusion. So choose C.

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