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Three supports and one support interview simulation question: Elderly Talents Network helps "silver haired people" to achieve reemployment Enter reading mode

Three supports and one support interview simulation question: Elderly Talents Network helps "silver haired people" to achieve reemployment Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

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In order to facilitate the re employment of the elderly, the China Elderly Talent Network was officially launched. The elderly can send resumes to interested positions through the website, and recruitment enterprises can also recruit the talents needed through the talent pool to achieve two-way selection between employers and the elderly. Please talk about your understanding.

Reference answer

People may not be unfamiliar with "Talent Network", but many people may not have heard of "China Senior Talent Network". The website has not only been launched recently, but also, as far as I know, has attracted a large number of elderly people and enterprises to register in the short term. If the elderly among my relatives and friends have a need for re employment, I will definitely recommend this platform to them.

As we all know, deep aging is the general trend of social development. In the face of the growing pension pressure, the reemployment of "silver haired people" is a powerful measure to explore and realize a positive aging society. At present, with the improvement of medical care and education, the average life expectancy and education level of the population in China have significantly improved. Many elderly people still have the energy and ability to put into work when they retire. Compared with the past, older people have more willingness and ability to participate in social construction, and the launch of the elderly talent network provides a platform for them.

The establishment of the China Elderly Talents Network has a vital role for the elderly themselves and social development. First, it can provide channels for the elderly to play their social values. Compared with young people, the elderly have more experience capital. They can re-enter the market through the elderly talent network, make full use of these resources, and promote the construction of society. Second, it can gradually improve the social tolerance for the reemployment of the elderly. Influenced by the traditional concept of "enjoying family happiness after retirement", many people believe that the elderly should enjoy their grandchildren after retirement, or provide for the elderly in leisure. Some even feel that it is "unfilial" to let retired parents re find jobs, so they ignore the employment needs of the elderly. The creation of the government platform can effectively reverse this idea. Third, it provides a new way to relieve the pressure of social pension. The elderly can use the platform to find jobs and re-enter the employment market, which can bring more "labor" to the society, help the society further accumulate pension wealth, and better cope with the impact of aging population on pension.

The establishment of a talent network for the elderly is equivalent to taking the first big step in the reemployment of the elderly. Next, we will help the elderly improve their employment skills. By promoting the popularization of universities for the elderly, we will help the elderly to learn and supplement in time when they re enter the workplace and meet new demands for professional skills, so as to better respond to new demands brought by social development. In addition, we should also follow up the protection of rights and interests. According to the elderly, appropriate laws should be formulated to protect their rights and interests. At the same time, we should standardize the behavior of enterprises, provide enterprises with relevant basis for employment, avoid the phenomenon of "not daring to hire", dispel the concerns of enterprises and the public, so that more elderly people can successfully achieve "re employment", and our enterprises can recruit elderly people with ease.

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(Editor in charge: Liu Yawen)

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