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2023 Jiangsu Selection Examination Interview Skills: How to Answer the Activity Planning Questions Enter reading mode

2023 Jiangsu Selection Examination Interview Skills: How to Answer the Activity Planning Questions Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2023-04-24 15:07:11 |Source: Zhonggong Selection and Examination Network Zhang Shengbiao
  Title Introduction  

In structured interviews, the ability to organize and coordinate is often involved, and activity planning questions are often taken. The topic of such questions is closely related to the real life of the examinees. The so-called answer is to show the examiners how they would work in order and detail if they were the organizers of the event, so as to bring the examiners into your work scene. Such answers are more realistic and vivid. Examiners examine such questions to see whether candidates have the ability to accurately grasp core tasks and goals, and to mobilize resources to carry out work in an orderly manner and ultimately complete work goals, so as to judge whether future candidates have the ability to organize and coordinate.

Example presentation

Recently, telecommunication fraud cases have occurred frequently, and the street plans to carry out propaganda work against telecommunication fraud. Your community is dominated by old communities, and there are many elderly people. If the leader asked you to plan this publicity work, what would you do?

[How to answer the picture]

1. Refine according to the promotion location. The setting of this topic is in the community. Both online and offline publicity means should be combined with the characteristics of the community. For example, offline through community banners, posters, LED display scrolling, distribution of anti fraud knowledge leaflets, loudspeakers at the entrance of stores, supermarkets and restaurants, online through community websites, public account push, WeChat owner groups, etc., to publicize the latest forms and seriousness of fraud, anti fraud knowledge, means of rights protection, relevant laws and regulations, etc, Remind the young people to do a good job in the ideological work of the elderly at home, and improve everyone's understanding of fraud prevention.

2. Refine according to the characteristics of the activity object. This question involves the elderly. Think about places where the elderly often appear, such as communities, parks, vegetable markets, etc. For example, for the elderly and other key groups, the community, together with the local police station, carried out anti fraud propaganda into the community, park, vegetable market, etc., specifically explaining anti fraud knowledge for the elderly, and answering questions on the spot to improve the overall awareness and anti fraud ability of the elderly; For some elderly who cannot attend the lecture due to special reasons, arrange staff to visit the elderly to understand their situation and their understanding of fraud prevention, and answer questions one-on-one.

3. Refine according to work characteristics. The work of this topic involves the relevant knowledge of telecom fraud, which is professional to a certain extent. It is considered that professionals should be allowed to do professional things, and the acceptance of the elderly should be taken into account. For example, the police of the police station under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China should cooperate with the police of the telecommunications fraud case to learn about the characteristics and identification methods of high-frequency and latest fraud cases, as well as the relevant professional knowledge, laws and regulations against telecommunications fraud, and cooperate with the police station to carry out all-weather early warning against telecommunications fraud, publicize supervision and reporting channels, so as to prevent problems before they occur.

The above is how to answer the event planning questions with a sense of picture. I hope it can help you. When answering such questions, we must grasp the core task of the question stem, take the achievement of the event effect as the guide, combine the characteristics of the event object and the work characteristics, and think deeply.


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(Editor in charge: Liu Yawen)

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