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Online Registration Instructions for Outstanding Students of 2023 Jiangsu Famous Universities Enter reading mode

Online Registration Instructions for Outstanding Students of 2023 Jiangsu Famous Universities Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

Announcement on the Selection of 1139 Outstanding Graduates of Jiangsu Province in 2023 It has been released. The registration time is from October 31 to November 4, and the written examination time is November 13; In order to help the examinees understand the position information in time and register, Recruitment of Jiangsu Selected Students The channel has sorted out the online registration instructions for excellent students from 2023 famous universities in Jiangsu; more Recruitment Information of Jiangsu Province , please pay attention to Jiangsu Zhonggong Education!

1、 Please read this notice carefully for candidates who apply for the 2023 Excellent University Graduates of Jiangsu Province to be transferred to positions at or above the county level (excellent students from famous universities).

2、 Registration time and website

Registration time: 9:00, October 31, 2022 to 16:00, November 4, 2022

Time of preliminary qualification examination: 9:00 a.m., October 31 to 12:00 a.m., November 5, 2022

Payment confirmation time: 9:00 a.m., October 31 to 16:00 p.m., November 5, 2022

Candidates should be clear about the above time concept, and be responsible for missing the registration and paying fees due to personal reasons.

Special reminder: according to the work plan, the system will no longer accept the registration of new candidates and the modification of information of already registered candidates after 16:00 on November 4, 2022. Considering the time difference between online registration and preliminary qualification review, please register as soon as possible and pay the fees in time.

3、 Candidate registration process

(1) Fill in personal information.

Log in to the personnel examination website of Jiangsu Province, enter the "Jiangsu Province 2023 Outstanding University Graduates' Selection and Transfer of Government Positions above the County Level (Outstanding Students from Famous Universities) Examination", carefully read the online application letter of commitment and related notices, and click "Agree" to register online:

The first step is "Select Department Position". Select the position you want to apply for according to the position you have queried in advance. Then click "Apply for this position" (note: please confirm whether you have the qualification to apply for this position);

Step 2, "Fill in the basic information", fill in the basic information of the examinee. Items marked with "*" must be filled in, and the text content cannot exceed the limited number of characters;

Step 3: "Upload photos". Candidates should choose appropriate electronic photos. The standard is a recent bareheaded passport photo (front two inch 35 × 45mm), jpg format (jpg letters are in lower case), and the size is below 20K;

Step 4: "Select the place for the written examination" (once the place for the written examination is selected, it will not be changed).

(2) After the information is submitted successfully, please wait patiently for the review results.

(3) Candidates can query their approval progress in View Approval Results. Approved candidates cannot modify any registration information, including positions. Candidates who fail to pass the examination can click "Fill in Basic Information" to modify and improve their personal basic information, continue to apply for this position, or re apply to other units or positions, and click "Upload Electronic Photos" to re upload photos that meet the requirements.

The failure of photo review usually has the following reasons:

1. The photo shall not contain the name or ID card number;

2. The head portrait is too small in the photo, please intercept the head portrait;

3. Please upload your recent bareheaded front ID photo;

4. The photos are vague and unclear;

5. If the photo is too small, please make it according to the size of two inch photo (the size of qualified electronic photos is generally between 5k-20k, and if the photo is too small, it may be blurred);

6. Please take the whole head portrait, not just the face;

7. The photo is too long, please take the photo according to the specified proportion;

8. The photo is too wide, please take the photo according to the specified proportion;

9. The photo is too bright, please adjust the brightness of the photo;

10. The photo is too dark, please adjust the brightness of the photo;

11. The photos are reversed;

12. The photo cannot be displayed (if the uploaded electronic photo cannot be displayed, the examinee can use the drawing board or other drawing tools provided by Windows to open the photo, directly save it in. jpg format, and then upload it).

(4) Candidates whose application information and electronic photos have passed the examination can click "Pay for the Written Examination" to enter the eBay payment platform (the bank card held by the candidate must open online banking business), fill in their payment card number and password or use WeChat to pay the examination fee, which is 98 yuan per person. After submitting successfully, the application system will inform the candidate that the payment was successful.

Online registration will be deemed as successful only if the initial qualification review and photo review are passed and the payment is completed (the final payment status in the registration system shall prevail if the payment is confirmed successfully). Please check your review and payment status in time.

If the examinee makes repeated payments, the fees will be refunded within the next seven working days and returned to the original bank card. Please do not cancel the bank card immediately and check the balance in the bank card in time.

If the examinee has any questions during the online payment process, he can call the 7X24 hour customer service hotline of Yibao Payment: 95070.

4、 Print the admission card

This website only provides the printed admission cards for candidates who apply for the 2023 Excellent University Graduates of Jiangsu Province to be transferred to positions at or above the county level (excellent students from famous universities).

Written examination permit. Candidates who have passed the preliminary qualification examination, photo review and successfully paid the fees can log on to the online registration system of Jiangsu Province for 2023 Outstanding University Graduates to be transferred to positions at or above the county level (excellent students from famous universities) from 9:00 a.m. on November 11, 2022 to 24:00 p.m. on November 12, 2022, and select "Examination Permit Printing" to download and print the written examination permit. The photos on the admission card are black and white photos (color photos are also acceptable). You can enter the page and print them directly or copy them into Word for printing. The paper is A4 paper.

If you are unable to access the printing page of the examination permit, please note whether you have passed the qualification review and successfully paid the fees.

5、 Several notes

(1) Candidates should fill in their personal information carefully and truthfully. In the qualification review before the interview, if the information filled in online is found to be false, their examination qualification will be canceled and handled according to relevant regulations;

(2) The enrollment information can be modified before being approved by the approval department, and cannot be modified after being approved;

(3) Candidates must print their admission cards within the limited time. Candidates must show their online printed admission cards and ID cards to enter the examination room;

(4) The B2C online payment system is used for online payment. Due to the complexity of the Internet, candidates must log on to the online registration system after online payment to check whether the payment is successful.

Original title: Notice on Online Application for 2023 Outstanding University Graduates of Jiangsu Province to be Transferred to Government Offices above County Level (Outstanding Students from Famous Universities)

Source: ¬ice=3

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(Editor in charge: Liu Yawen)

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