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In the second half of 2022, the official website of Jiangsu primary and secondary school teachers' qualification certificate admission query portal Enter reading mode

In the second half of 2022, the official website of Jiangsu primary and secondary school teachers' qualification certificate admission query portal Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2022-10-20 17:28:33 |Source: Jiangsu Zhonggong Education

Written Examination Announcement of Jiangsu Teacher Qualification in the Second Half of 2022 It has been released. The admission card was printed on: October 25-29, written examination time: October 29th In order to help candidates print their admission cards better, Jiangsu Primary and Secondary School Teacher Certificate Examination The channel is organized for everyone: the official website of Jiangsu primary and secondary school teachers' qualification certificate admission query in the second half of 2022 Learn more Jiangsu Educational Resources Pen interview For information, please pay attention to Jiangsu Zhonggong Education!

In the second half of 2022, download the official website of teacher qualification certificate The download time is from October 25 to October 29. Candidates will take the exam with the second generation resident ID card and the exam admission card within the validity period according to the time and place prompted by the exam admission card.

Teacher qualification examination in the second half of 2022

Entrance for printing exam admission card>>

Time of teacher qualification examination in the second half of 2022

Time category October 29, 2022 (Saturday)
9:00-11:00 am 13:00-15:00 p.m 16:00-18:00 p.m
kindergarten Comprehensive Quality (Kindergarten) Knowledge and ability of nursing and teaching  
Primary school Comprehensive Quality (Primary School) Education and teaching knowledge and ability  
junior middle school Comprehensive Quality (Middle School) Educational knowledge and ability Subject knowledge and teaching ability (junior high school)
Senior high school Subject knowledge and teaching ability (senior middle school)
Culture course of secondary vocational school
Professional courses in secondary vocational schools  
Secondary vocational practice guidance  

What are the time regulations for examinees to take the exam?

Candidates should arrive at the examination room 30 minutes before the start of the written examination. After the formal start of the examination, 15 minutes late, they are not allowed to enter the examination room to participate in the current subject examination; Candidates can leave the examination room only 30 minutes before the end of the examination; Candidates are not allowed to enter the site for further examination after they hand in their papers.

Candidates should arrive at the waiting room at the time specified in the Admission Permit for the interview. Candidates who are late 15 minutes after the deadline for entering the waiting room are not allowed to attend the interview.

What are the main types of written tests for primary and secondary school teachers?

The written examination is divided into objective and subjective questions. The objective question is a four choice multiple choice question, and the subjective question type includes: brief answer, discussion, solution, material (case) analysis, lesson review, diagnosis, discrimination, teaching design, activity design, writing, etc.

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(Editor in charge: Liu Yawen)

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