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Recruitment of teachers: morality and rule of law in junior high school "Getting rich legally, paying taxes according to law" - lecture notes Enter reading mode

Recruitment of teachers: morality and rule of law in junior high school "Getting rich legally, paying taxes according to law" - lecture notes Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

"Speaking lessons" is a new thing emerging from the teaching reform, and it is a new form of teaching research for teaching research, teaching communication and teaching discussion. "Speaking lessons" is conducive to improving teachers' theoretical literacy and the ability to control textbooks, as well as improving teachers' language expression ability. Therefore, it has attracted the attention of teachers and has become an elegant place in educational research. No matter in the teacher recruitment examination or in the future teacher career, we all have to go through the process of saying lessons. Therefore, the Zhonggong teachers specially prepared the lecture notes for the lesson "Getting Rich Legally, Paying Tax According to Law", hoping to help everyone better prepare for the exam.

Today I want to talk about the topic of the lesson is "Get rich legally, pay taxes according to law". I will talk about the teaching materials, learning conditions, teaching objectives, key and difficult points of teaching, teaching methods, teaching process and blackboard writing design.

1、 Talking about textbooks

Teaching materials are the basis for teachers to teach and for students to learn. Therefore, I will first talk about the status and role of textbooks. "Getting rich legally, paying taxes according to law" is the content of the first box of Lesson 6, Unit 2, Volume 1, Ideological and Moral Education, Grade 9, Education and Science Edition. The sixth lesson is to explore the legal and moral issues in the process of becoming rich after feeling well-off and exploring ways to become rich. First, emphasize the "law" in wealth, and then explain how to use wealth after owning it; Finally, it should be implemented to the students themselves to cultivate their good habits of "diligence, thrift and civilized consumption". The first box title "Getting rich legally, paying taxes according to law" describes the legal issues in economic construction, especially the tax issue, which guides students to understand the importance of abiding by the law and the significance of getting rich legally and paying taxes according to law, laying the foundation for the next two boxes.

2、 On learning emotion

All teaching activities are student-centered. Let me talk about learning. The study of Labor Creates the World and Market Investigation, the second volume of grade eight, has paved the way for learning this lesson and understanding the quality of wealth. However, the main space for students to live is family and school, and the scope of participation in economic activities is small. Therefore, they lack awareness of taxes and the specific policies of the state to enrich the people. Especially, it is difficult for students to gradually internalize the quality of wealth into the morality of life through understanding the "law", "righteousness" and "virtue" in wealth.

3、 On the Teaching Objectives

According to the new curriculum standards, the characteristics of teaching materials and the actual situation of students, I have determined the following teaching objectives:

[Emotion, Attitude and Values Objectives]

Establish the awareness of the legal system, respect the legal system and the attitude of the system, and form the value orientation of the supremacy of law.

Support the tax system of our country, and form the value orientation and emotion of paying taxes with honor.

[Capability Objectives]

Learn to use law to maintain social and economic order, and use law to restrict their economic behavior.

[Knowledge Objectives]

Students can know that getting rich must be legal and can't be selfish.

Know that paying taxes according to law is the basic obligation of citizens, and understand the significance of paying taxes according to law.

4、 Talking about the key and difficult points of teaching

In combination with the analysis of teaching content and students' situation, as well as the determination of teaching objectives, I determined the following teaching priorities and difficulties:

[Teaching focus]

The significance of getting rich legally and paying taxes according to law.

[Teaching difficulties]

The role of national taxes.

5、 On teaching methods

Scientific and reasonable teaching methods can achieve twice the result with half the effort and achieve the harmonious and perfect unity of teaching and learning. Based on this, the teaching methods I plan to adopt are case method, discussion method and question and answer method. Through case demonstration, teachers encourage students to clarify their understanding in cooperative exploration, thinking and discussion, explore and understand the relationship between wealth and law in their understanding of social facts, enhance legal awareness, know that wealth should be obtained by legal means, support China's tax system, and form the value orientation and emotion of tax honor.

6、 On the teaching process

After analyzing the teaching materials and formulating the teaching and learning methods, I will talk about the teaching process of this lesson in detail.

In the teaching process of this lesson, I pay attention to highlighting the key points, being clear, compact and reasonable. The arrangement of various activities also pays attention to interaction and communication to maximize the enthusiasm and initiative of students to participate in the classroom.

Link 1: Classroom Introduction

First, I use questions as the introduction of this lesson.

Please think and answer: What are your parents' jobs? What are your family's sources of income?

After the students spoke freely, I summarized on the basis of the students' answers: there are many ways and means to obtain wealth. However, no matter what way or method is adopted, it should comply with the provisions of the law and use legal means to obtain wealth. Enter the new lesson on the basis of summary.

[Design intent] Using questions and answers can improve students' attention, and students can better enter the learning state when they have something to say.

Link 2: Teaching new courses

In the process of teaching new courses, I will grasp the teaching materials as a whole, highlight the main role of students, and cultivate students' learning ability.

1. Getting rich legally

I will ask students to read the case "Arrest Three Village Officials by False Reporting of Ten Mu of Land" in the textbook, and then think about: what is the final result of obtaining wealth by illegal means? Students can answer that they have been punished legally. Then I will play the video clip of "Wulin Waizhuan" to the students, and let the students freely answer: How do you think of the concept of "there is justice in thieves"?

I further summarized based on the students' speeches: illegal acts in economic activities will disrupt economic order, hinder economic development, and harm the interests of others, society and the country. Only when everyone knows the law, understands the law, and uses the law to regulate their economic behavior, can society be stable and harmonious, and every member of society has equal access to wealth, and the wealth obtained according to law can be protected by law.

After summing up, I will inspire students to think again: what are the means that students know to obtain wealth illegally? Students can say: theft, robbery, fraud, gambling, bribery, usury

Then I summarize again: the law does not protect illegal income. To obtain wealth and protect their legitimate rights and interests, everyone must first comply with the law. Of course, people's pursuit of benefits is not only subject to legal constraints, but also subject to moral constraints.

[Design intent] By analyzing negative cases, students can understand the harm of illegal activities. Playing videos can also stimulate students' interest in learning and enlighten their thinking.

2. Don't forget righteousness when seeing benefits

After learning about getting rich legally, I let students continue to understand the relationship between benefit and justice through case analysis activities.

Ask students to read the scenes given on the PPT, which are: whether they want to take the money for themselves when they find it, receive the remittance from others by mistake, pay less when they buy something, and invite students to role play.

After the students play, I will add that we should adhere to this principle even if there is no legal constraint. "Righteousness" is the "law" in our mind. In social life, the restriction of law on people is external, and the restriction of "righteousness" on people is internal, which is the most effective.

[Design intent] Role playing can activate the classroom atmosphere, enable students to participate in the classroom, and enable students to experience that we can't think for benefit.

3. Tax payment according to law

Then I will show Fan Bingbing's case of tax evasion on the PPT and inspire students to think: What are the consequences of tax evasion? After students thought and answered, the teacher concluded that tax evasion will not only be punished by the law, but also condemned by the society. Paying taxes according to law is a basic obligation of citizens, which is stipulated by the Constitution. Then I will continue to inspire students to think: tax is not a new concept in modern society, and the history of tax in China can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty. Please answer with your historical knowledge. What forms of taxation did you know in ancient China?

After students think and answer, I will conclude that taxation has existed in ancient times and is one of citizens' obligations in modern times.

On the basis of understanding the concept of taxation, I will use PPT to show pictures of China's "Fuxing" high-speed railway, "Shenzhou" spaceship, aircraft carrier, school, police, etc. And ask: What are the purposes of taxation?

After the student's speech, I will conclude that the country is tax oriented. The tax is taken from the civilian to the civilian. The state cannot build railways, bridges and airports without taxation; The development of national defense, science and technology, education, culture, health and other public utilities mainly depends on taxation; The salaries of civil servants, police, teachers and other personnel engaged in public works are derived from taxes.

The development of the country has the contribution of taxpayers. Everyone is responsible for paying taxes according to law. Those who do not understand the tax law or know the law and violate the law, evade taxes and damage the interests of the country and society will be punished by the law.

[Design Intent] The explanation of novel cases can resonate with students. Through this link, I also broke through the difficulties of this lesson.

Link 3: Consolidation and improvement

After all my key contents have been explained, I will enter into the consolidation and improvement link. I will divide the class into two groups to hold an eight minute debate. The positive view is that middle school students should establish a "taxpayer" awareness; The opposite view is that middle school students do not need to establish a "taxpayer" awareness.

After the students' debate, I made a summary: maybe we have not officially become taxpayers, but we should also establish a "taxpayer" awareness, and we can urge parents to actively pay taxes at home.

[Design intention] The way of debate contest can not only train students' thinking ability, but also consolidate the content of this lesson.

Link 4: Summary assignment

According to the content characteristics of this purpose and the characteristics of students' learning, on the basis of the common memory of teachers and students, I adopted the inductive summary.

After the content is taught, I will assign homework to the students: please collect the cases related to tax evasion and tax evasion in the recent news after class, and share them with you in the next class.

[Design intention] Through the summary, students can form an overall understanding of the content of this lesson. Collecting homework helps improve students' self-learning ability.

7、 On blackboard design

Blackboard writing is a silent language, an auxiliary means of teachers' oral presentation, and a high concentration of knowledge. Therefore, I pay special attention to the design of blackboard writing. According to the knowledge characteristics of this lesson, my blackboard writing design is as follows:
 Recruitment of teachers: morality and rule of law in junior high school "Getting rich legally, paying taxes according to law" - lecture notes
Conclusion: All judges and teachers, this is the end of my lecture. Thank you.

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(Editor in charge: Liu Yawen)
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