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2022 Recruitment of teachers in Jiangsu: defense questions and analysis of the "Eight Methods of" Yongzi "in high school art Enter reading mode

2022 Recruitment of teachers in Jiangsu: defense questions and analysis of the "Eight Methods of" Yongzi "in high school art Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2022-05-25 14:01:20 |Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Li Menghua

1、 What is the significance of calligraphy for art teaching?

[Reference answer]

Calligraphy is an excellent traditional culture in China, with a long history and profound cultural connotation. It is an indispensable part of art teaching, and also of great significance to teaching.

First of all, Chinese characters are an important tool for writing and communication, and calligraphy is the most representative form to give play to the practical value and artistic interest of Chinese characters.

Secondly, calligraphy, as a unique national culture in China, gathers the essence of the Chinese national culture. Today, with the application and development of computer multimedia, it has changed the way people write.

Finally, as a traditional excellent culture of our country, calligraphy should be inherited and developed. As a teacher of the people, we have more obligation to add calligraphy to our teaching.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the important position of calligraphy in art education.

2、 Briefly introduce Yan Zhenqing and Yan Qinli Stele?

[Reference answer]

Yan Qinli Stele is the masterpiece of Yan Zhenqing in his later years, which has completely removed the regular script of the early Tang Dynasty. This stele is dignified, wide, smooth, sparse and bright. It has a powerful momentum, an open framework, a square extension, a very distinct horizontal fine vertical thick, and a clear square and round turning strokes. Because it was buried earlier, with less damage and damage, and has not been carved and gouged by later generations, it can more accurately reflect the grace, thickness, straightness and tenacity of Yan Shu.

His regular script is contrary to the style of calligraphy in the early Tang Dynasty. With the strokes of Zhuan Zhou, it changes from thin and hard to plump and vigorous. The structure is broad and magnificent, and the strength is strong and the spirit is awe inspiring. This style also reflects the prosperous demeanor of the Tang Empire, and coincides with his noble personality. It is a typical example of the combination of calligraphy beauty and personality beauty. His calligraphy style is called "Yan Ti", which is called "Yan Liu" together with Liu Gongquan, and has the reputation of "Yan Jin Liu Gu".


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