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2022 Jiangsu Auxiliary Police Examination Public Basic Knowledge (Cultural Common Sense): Five Bullies in Spring and Autumn Enter reading mode

2022 Jiangsu Auxiliary Police Examination Public Basic Knowledge (Cultural Common Sense): Five Bullies in Spring and Autumn Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2022-04-07 17:11:50 |Source: Jiangsu Zhonggong Education

Hegemony, the name of politics, is Bo. It is also called Zhou Bo and Fang Bo, the head of princes. His position is called meeting princes and Chaotian Zi, which is actually to threaten the emperor to order princes. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the emperor declined, and the princes flourished. The power of the Zhou royal family declined, and its authority was no longer strong. It was no longer able to effectively control the princes in the world. In order to compete for the world, some powerful vassals started a fierce war for hegemony. They joined forces to fight from east to west.

There are many views of the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period, two of which are generally recognized. The Records of the Historian · Suoyin records that: Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Xiang of Song, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Mu of Qin, and King Zhuang of Chu; Xunzi Wang Ba records Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, King Zhuang of Chu, King Helu of Wu and King Goujian of Yue. Here we mainly introduce the five hegemons recorded in the Records of the Historian · Soyin.

1、 Five tyrants in spring and autumn

1. Duke Huan of Qi

The Jiang surname, the Lv surname, was Xiaobai, the third son of the Duke Xi of Qi. He was the twelfth generation grandson of the Duke Tai of Jiang and Lv Shang. After becoming the king of the State of Qi, he adopted Bao Shuya's advice and appointed his enemy Guan Zhong as a senior official. After Duke Huan of Qi worshipped Guan Zhong as his prime minister, the monarch and his officials worked together to rectify the government and carry out reforms at home, respected the king and fought against the barbarians abroad, and survived. In 681 BC, Duke Huan of Qi met with the princes of Song, Chen, Cai and Zhu in Beixing, in order to pacify the Song Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty violated the covenant, Duke Huan of Qi led several princes to attack the Song Dynasty in the name of the Emperor of Zhou, forcing the Song Dynasty to seek peace. This was the first time that the "nine princes" were united. In 679 BC, the princes and Duke Huan of Qi met in Juandi, and Duke Huan of Qi became the overlord of the princes in the world.

2. Duke Wen of Jin

The hegemony route of Duke Wen of Jin was basically the same as that of Duke Huan of Qi. He united the State of Qin and the State of Qi to attack Cao and defend, and saved the Song Dynasty from defeating Zheng. He was rewarded by the Emperor of Zhou. After defeating the southern powerful State of Chu, known as the Southern Barbarians, Duke Wen of Jin invited King Xiang of Zhou, and called Qi, Song and other countries to hold an alliance to practice the soil, which was awarded as the head of the princes by the Emperor of Zhou.

3. King Zhuang of Chu

When Jin was the hegemonic country, the western countries became strong. Duke Mu of Qin conspired to dominate China eastward, but because the eastward access was blocked by Jin, he annexed more than a dozen small handles westward to dominate the area west of Hangu Pass.

4. Duke Mu of Qin

After succeeding to the throne, Bailixi, Uncle Jian and Youyu were appointed as advisers to defeat the State of Jin, capture Jin Huigong, and destroy the State of Liang, Rui and Hua. Duke Mu of Qin attached great importance to talents. During his tenure, Meng Mingshi, Xi Qishu, Bai Yibing and others were good generals; He also assisted Duke Wen of Jin to return to the State of Jin and seize the throne, so as to realize the good relationship between Qin and Jin. Duke Mu of Qin sent troops to attack the countries west of Hangu Pass during the reign of King Xiang of Zhou, opening up more than a thousand miles of territory, so King Xiang of Zhou appointed him as the uncle of western princes, and then he dominated Xirong, laying the foundation for Qin to unify China in the future.

5. Song Xianggong

After the death of Duke Huan of Qi, there was civil unrest in the State of Qi. Song Xianggong led the people of Wei, Cao and Zhu to fight against the State of Qi. The people of Qi were united inside and outside, and supported Duke Xiaogong of Qi. Therefore, Song Xianggong became famous. Duke Xiang of Song was ambitious. He wanted to inherit the hegemony of Duke Huan of Qi and compete with the State of Chu. He was once detained by the State of Chu. In 638 BC, Song Xianggong launched a crusade against the State of Zheng and fought against the Chu soldiers who saved Zheng. The Chu soldiers were powerful, and Song Xianggong paid attention to "benevolence and justice". He had to wait for the Chu soldiers to cross the river and form an array before fighting again. As a result, they were defeated and injured. The next year, they died of serious injuries and were buried in Xiangling.

2、 Knowledge expansion

1. The allusion of Duke Huan of Qi: Guan Zhong worships the prime minister, and the old horse knows his way. The wind, the horse and the ox do not match each other, and the court starts a fire to recruit people.

2. Song Xianggong's allusions: Let the beauty of the country be reflected in the East Palace.

3. The allusion of Duke Wen of Jin: Cutting stocks to satisfy hunger, eating cold food during the Qingming Festival, retreating from three quarters, and the Duke of Wen chasing the moose, are ambitious, greedy, and dedicated to fishing.

4. The allusions of Duke Mu of Qin: Ask Xian Bole, exchange the sheepskin for Xian, Qin Jinzhi likes it.

5. The allusions of King Zhuang of Chu: The feast of Jueying made a great success and won the Central Plains.

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