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2021 Jiangsu National Police Recruitment Examination Reveals the "Secret" of the Definition and Judgment of the Action Test Enter reading mode

2021 Jiangsu National Police Recruitment Examination Reveals the "Secret" of the Definition and Judgment of the Action Test Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2020-04-16 14:14:27 |Source: China Public Police Law Examination Network

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Definition judgment is civil servant The common types of questions in the line test are generally 10 questions, which are simple and direct but error prone. General questions will provide us with proper nouns in a certain discipline and explain them. We need to select options that belong to or do not belong to the definition in combination with options. next, Secondary public education Combine the topic to make specific analysis.

[Example] Stereotype is the process of extending the overall impression of a person's behavior to individuals. It is formed due to differences in race (or nationality), religion, gender, age, etc. Stereotypes about a person can lead to perceptual errors.

According to the above definition, the following are not stereotypes:

A. People in the Northeast are all living Lei Feng. It's right to ask people in the Northeast for help

B. As the saying goes, "A poor family makes a filial son." Lao Li's family is poor, and his children must be filial to their parents

C. An enterprise felt that people in some places were dishonest, so it did not hire Xiao Zhang from this area

D. The manager thinks that Xiao Wang often makes mistakes in his work, so he should be cautious about his appointment in the future

[Chinese public resolution] D. The title explains the stereotype, mainly emphasizing the process of extending the overall impression of a class of people to individuals. Combined with the key description, A Northeast people are all living Lei Feng, which is the overall impression, and those who find Northeast people are specific individuals, so they meet the definition and are excluded; B "Filial children are born out of poverty" is the overall impression. The children of Lao Li's family are individuals, which meets the definition and is excluded; C The dishonesty of people in some places is the overall impression, and Xiao Zhang from this area is an individual, which meets the definition and is excluded. Therefore, the answer to this question is D, which only describes the manager's attitude towards Xiao Wang, and does not involve the overall impression of a class of people.

[Example] Phenological phenomenon is the phenomenon of corresponding seasonal changes of organisms with the cyclical changes of climate throughout the year. The factors affecting phenological phenomena mainly include differences in altitude, longitude, latitude and time. According to the above definition, the phenological phenomena reflected in the following verses are affected by altitude differences:

A. When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire. When spring comes, the river water is as green as blue

B. Three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, a prophet of the spring river

C. Why should Qiang flute complain about willows? Spring breeze doesn't cross Yumen Pass

D. In April, the beauty is gone, and the peach blossom in the mountain temple begins to bloom

[Chinese public resolution] D. The question needs to choose the option that reflects the phenological phenomenon affected by altitude difference. The phenological phenomenon is the seasonal change of organisms. The altitude difference involves the difference of altitude. The two options AB are only scenery description, but not altitude difference, which can be excluded; C Yumen Pass may involve latitude, and D option is Mountain Temple. The top and foot of the mountain clearly involve different latitude, so the answer to this question is D.

Comments by experts in public education: through two topics, we need to be clear that Definition judgment Rather than defining understanding, such questions simply examine whether the options and the key information of the question stem can match, rather than examine our specific understanding of professional knowledge. Therefore, we should avoid understanding professional expressions, even appreciate the pitfalls of poetry, simply and directly eliminate them, and determine the correct options.

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