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What do you think of the hot spot of 2019 college student village official interview: "fake physical examination"? Enter reading mode

What do you think of the hot spot of 2019 college student village official interview: "fake physical examination"? Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2019-01-07 09:43:52 |Source: Secondary public education

Popular recommendation on Zhonggong College Student Village Official Examination Website

[Reference answer]

As we all know, physical examination can prevent the occurrence and development of diseases, help people screen diseases, and promote early diagnosis and treatment. But if all the "physical examinations" we have worked hard are fake, it is really a very serious social problem, which needs our attention and attention urgently.

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards and health awareness, both government units and enterprises and public institutions will take physical examination as a regular benefit and arrange physical examination for employees regularly. However, such a benefit has become a way for some unscrupulous organizations to make huge profits. The false physical examination not only makes the physical examination lose its original value and significance, but also misleads people to ignore the omen of their unhealthy health. Although the news reports say that the probability of people suffering from cancer is only three thousandths, but this happens to a living person, which is likely to cause them to lose their lives due to the incurable late disease.

The reason why the phenomenon of "fake physical examination" is rampant is, on the one hand, the lack of supervision and the extremely low illegal cost. According to statistics, the market capacity of physical examination in China in 2016 has exceeded 120 billion yuan. Behind such huge data are various competitive groups with good and bad characteristics, which corresponds to insufficient supervision. Even if it is clear that the medical examination institution is found to be fraudulent, it is only a fine of less than 1000 yuan; On the other hand, the information is asymmetric, and the subject's awareness of self protection is not strong. At present, when the physical examination institution arranges physical examination for everyone, the whole examination procedure is not open to the public, and the final data provided is basically incomprehensible. For the examinees, they can't find any disease, so they are naturally very happy, and will not continue to investigate. To some extent, it also encourages the trend of "fake physical examination".

Therefore, if we want to purify the atmosphere of the medical examination market, we also need the government to make clear the policy norms, improve the market system, establish unified and strict standards, and illegal costs. Only by striking hard can we provide a comfortable living environment for the people. In addition, the enterprise side should also timely observe the professional ethics and professionalism of its employees, take a long-term view, and devote itself to providing professional and considerate services to the people, so as to win a larger market.

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(Editor in charge: Zheng Jing)

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