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Steel slag pellet binder

Updated on: January 16, 2023 15:52:01 Information No.: 5420saqag678d2
 Steel slag pellet binder
Negotiate in person ≥ 1 ton
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  • expedition

  • Forming of bonded powder and powder

  • Steel slag powder binder, steel slag powder binder, steel slag powder molding agent, steel slag powder ball pressing agent

fifteen billion nine hundred and ninety-three million three hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-six 0371-25555596

six hundred and fifty-six million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand six hundred and fifteen



product name
Steel slag powder molding adhesive, steel slag powder balling agent, steel slag powder balling agent, steel slag powder molding adhesive
Region oriented
Forming of bonded powder and powder
Packaging specification
Scope of use
Coal, metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries
Polymer compound

Steel slag pellet binder

Metallurgical steel slag powder, dust and mud pellet binder
The company mainly uses the iron containing waste produced in the steel production process to reprocess into cold pressed pellets. Experiments show that each ton of binder can produce 30-50 tons of pellets.
Iron containing wastes mainly include: dust sludge, ore returning, magnetic separation steel slag powder, iron oxide scale, sludge, etc.
Pellet characteristics: Pellets can be dried or naturally dried, and the cold strength reaches 100kg/ball. High temperature resistance, no powder, waterproof and moisture-proof at 1000 ℃. It can be directly applied to burden smelting of blast furnace and electric furnace or steelmaking slagging agent, coolant and cosolvent without sintering.
Industries involved: iron making, steel making, ferroalloy, etc</ a></a>

Henan Expedition Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd 12 years

  • Comprehensive utilization of metallurgical industry, pellet binder, mineral powder binder, briquette binder
  • Biandong Industrial Cluster, Kaifeng, Henan

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Checked by Tianyan
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