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Supplying Hunan produced high colouring power 330 composite iron black

Updated: 2024-09-27 14:42:07 Information No.: 197978925
 Supplying Hunan produced high colouring power 330 composite iron black
six thousand 1-4 tons
five thousand and eight hundred ≥ 5 tons
  • 6000.00 yuan

  • High tech lottery

  • three hundred and thirty

  • Color cement brick, paint, building materials, architecture

thirteen billion seven hundred and eighty-six million nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-nine 0739-2953155

one billion nine hundred and forty-four million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-eight



product name
Composite black iron oxide, composite black iron oxide, composite magnetic iron oxide, composite magnetite
Region oriented
High tech lottery
three hundred and thirty
Application process
Basic parameters
Colouring force
Iron black
Blu ray black
First Grade
technical parameter
texture of material

Supplying Hunan produced high colouring power 330 composite iron black

The composite iron black pigment produced by Shaoyang Zhongcai Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a blue black powder, which is widely used for coloring building materials, cement, rubber, plastics, etc., with stable color, strong coloring power and reliable quality.
Product specification
Product name: Gaoxin Zhongcai 330 composite iron oxide black
CAS: 1317-61-9
Production standard: Zhongcai Company standard
1. Product overview: It has the characteristics of blue ink black, strong coloring power, high hiding power, good light resistance, etc.
2. Specification and model: 330.
3. Application: widely used in colored cement brick, paint, paint, building materials, rubber, plastic and other fields.
4. Storage and transportation conditions: stored in a dry place, free from moisture and high temperature, and isolated from acids and alkalis. According to the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of unpacked products is six years.
5. Package: 25kg/bag, outer woven inner plastic and paper plastic valve bag and 1000kg package.
6. Instructions:
When used in cement, the proportion of composite iron black is 2-4%. Mix well.

Shaoyang Zhongcai Manufacturing Co., Ltd 8 years

  • Iron oxide, lead chrome yellow, titanium dioxide, carbon black
  • Group 2, Shehu Village, Chengdong Township, Shuangqing District, Shaoyang, Hunan

———— Certification qualification ————

No personal certification
Enterprise certification passed
Checked by Tianyan
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