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Glass antifogging agent BF-58

Updated on: 2020-09-01 16:04:03 Information No.: 166788078
 Glass antifogging agent BF-58
one hundred ≥ 1 kg
  • 100.00 yuan

  • other

  • 70%

  • Antifogging agent

fifteen billion one hundred and fifty-four million five thousand five hundred and eighty-five

six hundred and forty-three million three hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-eight



product name
Glass antifogging agent
Region oriented
Effective substance content
Yellow light
Cold resistant plasticizer

Glass antifogging agent BF-58

In autumn, winter and rainy days, due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car, the windshield of the car will fog, blocking the driver's vision, unable to drive normally, and many people turn on the air conditioner; The way to make the wind blow the fog wastes gasoline. What's more painful is that drivers have to endure the torture of cold air in cold autumn and winter. There are also many ways for drivers to clean the glass while driving, which will cause safety accidents. The glass fog produced by Qianchi only needs to be sprayed gently and wiped with a dry towel or paper towel a few minutes later. In a moment, the glass is clear and bright. After use, the fog will no longer rise within the effective time, and everything outside the car will be seen clearly.
Use this product to evenly spray it on the glass, gently wipe it after a few minutes, and then wipe it with a cadre after it is fully dried.
Scope of application:
For the inside of car glass, bathroom mirror, glass door, motorcycle helmet, eyes.
matters needing attention:
1. Shake well before use
2. Do not mix with other products
3. Not upside down
4. One year warranty, stored in a cool and dry place
In autumn, winter and rainy days, due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car, the windshield of the car will fog, blocking the driver's vision, unable to drive normally, and many people turn on the air conditioner; The way to make the wind blow the fog wastes gasoline. What's more painful is that drivers have to endure the torture of cold air in cold autumn and winter. There are also many ways for drivers to clean the glass while driving, which will cause safety accidents. The glass fog produced by Qianchi only needs to be sprayed gently and wiped with a dry towel or paper towel a few minutes later. In a moment, the glass is clear and bright. After use, the fog will no longer rise within the effective time, and everything outside the car will be seen clearly.
Use this product to evenly spray it on the glass, gently wipe it after a few minutes, and then wipe it with a cadre after it is fully dried.
Scope of application:
For the inside of car glass, bathroom mirror, glass door, motorcycle helmet, eyes.
matters needing attention:
1. Shake well before use
2. Do not mix with other products
3. Not upside down
4. One year warranty, stored in a cool and dry place

Weihai Huaen Rubber and Plastic New Material Co., Ltd 7 years

  • Rubber and plastic additives, antistatic agent
  • No. 27, Changjiang Street, Zhangcun Town, Huancui District, Weihai, Shandong

———— Certification qualification ————

No personal certification
Enterprise certification passed
Checked by Tianyan
Mobile phone authentication passed
WeChat authentication passed

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Weihai Huaen Rubber and Plastic New Material Co., Ltd The detailed introduction of "glass antifogging agent BF-58" is provided for you, including the price, model, picture, manufacturer and other information of the antifogging agent. If necessary, please call 15154005585. Not the product you want? Click Publish Purchase Request Let the supplier contact you actively.
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