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Plastic copper resistant agent SL-47

Updated on: 2020-09-01 16:04:03 Information No.: 166307613
 Plastic copper resistant agent SL-47
one hundred ≥ 1 kg
  • 100.00 yuan

  • other

  • 70%

  • Copper resistant agent

fifteen billion one hundred and fifty-four million five thousand five hundred and eighty-five

six hundred and forty-three million three hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-eight



product name
Plastic anti copper agent, anti copper agent, cable anti copper agent, cable anti copper agent
Region oriented
Effective substance content
Yellow light
Cold resistant plasticizer

Plastic copper resistant agent SL-47

This product is a non polluting antioxidant and copper resistant agent of hindered phenols, which has the function of inhibiting heavy metal passivation and inhibiting (copper) metal ions. It is a copper inhibitor.
This product is suitable for products with high transparency requirements.
Appearance: white crystalline powder
Melting point: 225 - 229 ℃
Content: ≥ 98.0% (HPLC)
Ash content: ≤ 0.1%
Volatility: ≤ 0.5%
Transmittance: 500nm ≥ 98%, 425nm ≥ 96%
This product has a strong ability to inhibit the catalytic aging of heavy metal ions, has a remarkable effect of copper resistance, and has the advantages of good compatibility with the resin, good dispersion, no migration, no pollution, good water resistance, good oil extraction, and does not affect the electrical insulation performance and other properties of the resin. It is an ideal anti copper agent with dual functions of anti oxygen and anti copper. Testing by Daqing Petrochemical Synthetic Resin and Product Quality Inspection Station has proved that the technical performance of this product fully meets the product indicators of Ciba Company. This product is widely used in copper core wires and cables with polyethylene, polypropylene and other insulating materials, and in the production of communication cables, submarine cables, oil mine cables, power cables and other cables. This product can also be used in rubber, polyamide and other polymer materials.
General dosage: 0.1-0.5%
Packaging: cardboard barrel lined with plastic bag, net weight 20kg/barrel.

Weihai Huaen Rubber and Plastic New Material Co., Ltd 7 years

  • Rubber and plastic additives, antistatic agent
  • No. 27, Changjiang Street, Zhangcun Town, Huancui District, Weihai, Shandong

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