CPU server hetzner service provider (Note: this company has 1G unlimited bandwidth, and it is recommended if it needs good performance and large hard disk.) Server portal with main performance: click to view 3700x, 5950x and other high-performance CPUs. Some have installation fees, which are charged for the first time, but not for renewal; Some machines are often free of installation fees and can be observed by themselves. Server portal for general configuration: click to view that there is no installation fee for general configuration, which is relatively cheap. Nocix service provider (Note: this company has 1G bandwidth and unlimited traffic, and most hard disks are 4T high and low. If the demand for hard disks is not very high, this company is recommended, and the network is better than the hetzner above.) This server has a good price performance ratio. Most servers are in Kansas, the United States, with various configurations and high-performance servers, Purchase entry: click to check the oneprovider server vendor (hint: this company has a general network, which is better than various prices. It has all kinds of configured servers, and you can check if you have relevant needs.) This company seems to be a second tier vendor, which has servers in all regions and configurations. Some servers are cheaper than $10 a month. The network seems to be general, so choose your own. Purchase entrance: all regions have unlimited traffic, 1G bandwidth, 10G bandwidth. Never choose Asia or anything else. The lines may go around everywhere with high latency. Ceranetworks service provider (Note: this company has an average configuration, but the network is good, and the price is a little expensive. Local tyrants who have strong requirements for the network can have a look at it.)

original · 2023-08-07 ·494 people browsing

SiteScan, a comprehensive tool, focuses on one-stop information collection for penetration testing. It includes domain name ip history resolution, nmap common port explosion, sub domain name information collection, side station information collection, whois information collection, website architecture analysis, cms resolution, filing number information collection, CDN information resolution, whether waf detection exists, background search, and generating html report form of detection results. https://github.com/kracer127/SiteScannemo_goNemo It is a simple platform for automatic information collection. By integrating common information collection tools and technologies, it can automatically collect intranet and Internet asset information, improve the efficiency of troubleshooting and penetration testing, and completely reconstruct the original Python version with Golang. https://github.com/hanc00l/nemo_golinglong An asset cruise scanning system. The system positioning is to discover new assets through the infinite cycle of mashan+nmap, and automatically perform port weak password blasting/, fingerprint identification, and XrayPoc scanning. The main functions include: asset detection, port blasting, Poc scanning, fingerprint identification, timed tasks, management background identification, report presentation https://github.com/awake1t/linglongAppInfoScanner One is applicable to HW action/red team

original · 2022-08-15 ·437 people browsing
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