Linux virtual host

linux Virtual host The LAMP environment (Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP) supports Php5+Zend3/mysql4.0/Mysql5.0, Support eAccelerator/Memcache acceleration, perfect support for Discuz PhpWind、CmsTop、Shopex、ECShop、Wordpress、 MT and other php+mysql application systems fully support pseudo static,. htaccess, online file management, user-defined php. ini, manual backup, autonomous recovery MYSQL has a series of new functions, such as autonomous password modification, autonomous database repair, pre installed software, autonomous database backup/recovery, refreshing space size, online compression, and online decompression, It is a domestic Linux virtual host with complete functions.

Special note: China Telecom machine room or BGP double line machine room can be selected, and the monthly flow limit is different.

Product name LinuxA LinuxB LinuxC LinuxF LinuxE LinuxG LinuxH

one hundred and ninety-eight Yuan/year

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two hundred and eighty Yuan/year

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three hundred and forty Yuan/year

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four hundred and eighty Yuan/year

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five hundred and eighty Yuan/year

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eight hundred and eighty Yuan/year

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nine hundred and eighty Yuan/year

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Webspace 500M 1G 1G 1.5G 2G 5G 10G
Product No B030 B031 B032 B0301 B034 B0302 B0303
Monthly flow 30G 40G 60G 80G 100G 150G 300G
Number of subsites that can be opened 1 1 2 3
MySQL database
(Share size with the web)
MySQL stored procedure
SQLite database
Complimentary mailbox capacity 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G
Number of mailbox users 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Number of concurrent connections unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Bind domain name 10 15 15 15 15 15 15
Machine room line Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room Domestic double line/BGP machine room

one hundred and ninety-eight Yuan/year

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Domestic telecom/BGP/double wire machine room
Product name LinuxA LinuxB LinuxC LinuxF LinuxE LinuxG LinuxH
Product No B030 B031 B032 B0301 B034 B0302 B0303
operating system Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
Version: 5.1/5.6
SQLite database
Gzip compression
Picture component
Product name LinuxA LinuxB LinuxC LinuxF LinuxE LinuxG LinuxH
Product No B030 B031 B032 B0301 B034 B0302 B0303
Set Home Page
Error page definition
Rar online compression
Free pre installed software
Flow analysis
Access statistics
Log Self download
360 attack protection
Baidu Cloud Acceleration
Control panel presentation demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration
Product name LinuxA LinuxB LinuxC LinuxF LinuxE LinuxG LinuxH
Product No B030 B031 B032 B0301 B034 B0302 B0303
Regular data backup
Self service data recovery
Gigabit firewall system
QQ Global Toll Free
Answer any question online
Telephone technical support
Icon description:
Express support Indicates that it does not support Indicates that it needs to purchase separately,/indicates that it is optional, and recommends the all-purpose host. It is more stable and faster based on cloud technology.
Special tips:

1. Give away products that are not needed, such as database, post office, website statistics, etc.

2. The domain name gift is only for the first year. The host is purchased for many years at a time, and the domain name gift time is one year.

3. The MySQL database of the Linux virtual host shares the size with the WEB space.

For example, for a Linux A host, the WEB space+mysql database is 300 MB in total. All virtual hosts give free backup space of the same size as the WEB space for automatic backup and recovery of data.

4. Any virtual host user is strictly prohibited from sending spam.