Hong Kong Tourism Switch Cities

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Current location: Hong Kong Tourism Website > Hong Kong Tourist Attractions >Hong Kong Racecourse
 Hong Kong Racecourse

Hong Kong Racecourse

The Olympic equestrian venue is based on the famous Hong Kong Shatin Racecourse. The Hong Kong Racecourse will combine the new venue with the existing sports facilities. The Hong Kong Racecourse includes the Hong Kong Institute of Sports and Penfolds Park [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours:

Address: Shatian District, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region consult a map

Hong Kong Racecourse Tour

 Three day tour from Dongguan to Hong Kong Disneyland

Three day tour from Dongguan to Hong Kong Disneyland

Date of group departure: daily travel days: 3 days

ordinary Guangdong China Youth Travel Agency Dongguan Branch

¥ one thousand four hundred and eighty rise

¥0 Province-1480

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