Fangtianxia > Home Furnishing > Guiyang Designer

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  • 51-100 yuan/m2

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Real name authentication

12 years of experience | Number of cases 6 | 100-120 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple Chinese style mixed with Nordic European style

Decoration company Guizhou Yunshang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

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400-819-7307 to 833341

Chen Wei

Real name authentication

13 years of experience | Number of cases 3 | 80-150 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple European Chinese American Nordic

Decoration company Fengli Decoration Guiyang Branch 1

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400-819-7307 to 104130

Li Huihui

Real name authentication

11 years of experience | Number of cases 2 | 40-100 yuan/m2

Good at style Northern Europe mixed with Chinese Mediterranean

Decoration company Baibian Mansion Soft Decoration Design Co., Ltd

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400-819-7307 to 846224


Real name authentication

13 years of experience | Number of cases 2 | 80-120 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple Mediterranean Chinese European style

Decoration company Guizhou Yunshang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 833341

Chen Hongmei

Real name authentication

13 years of experience | Number of cases 4 | 60-120 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple Chinese mix and match Northern Europe

Decoration company Fengli Decoration Guiyang Branch 1

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 104130

You Rongfeng

Real name authentication

10 years of experience | Number of cases 1 | 40-80 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple American Chinese European

Decoration company Baibian Mansion Soft Decoration Design Co., Ltd

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400-819-7307 to 846224

Zhao Yue

Real name authentication

5 years of experience | Number of cases 6 | 80-150 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple mix and match Nordic Chinese European style

Decoration company Fengli Decoration Guiyang Branch 1

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 104130

Liu Shuai

Real name authentication

12 years of experience | Number of cases 1 | 60-260 yuan/㎡

Good at style Simple European Chinese American Nordic

Decoration company Guiyang Chuangyi Decoration Network Flagship Store

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 664190

Zhang Jianhao

Real name authentication

14 years of experience | Number of cases 1 | 100-200 yuan/m2

Good at style European American Mediterranean Chinese Simplicity

Decoration company Fengli Decoration Guiyang Branch 1

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 104130

Yang Guanghui

Real name authentication

11 years of experience | Number of cases 2 | 80-150 yuan/m2

Good at style Simple European and Nordic mix and match countryside

Decoration company Fengli Decoration Guiyang Branch 1

Find TA design

400-819-7307 to 104130

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