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[Jiatianxia Decoration] Space design with artistic conception

400-819-7307 to 511973
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The semi enclosed sofa combination form creates an atmosphere of communication. Delicate utensils and decorations are placed in an orderly manner.

Wouldn't it be fun to sit in the teahouse, taste the fragrance of tea and talk about interesting things in life?

Paint warm emotions on the vision to make the heavy color space no longer dull,

Designers pay attention to certain coordination and balance in the proportion of colors, so that the combination of different colors is just right.

Warm orange and green, as the theme color of the space, replace the traditional calm color and run through the whole space.

The teahouse uses more elegant utensils and uses ethereal paintings as space embellishments to make the artistic conception more distant and lasting.

The master bedroom is simple and elegant, avoiding deliberate decoration, and has been replaced by simple techniques.

Luxury wine cabinets are arranged in the restaurant, which use Chinese elements to enhance the sense of hierarchy, and large accommodation space is convenient for daily gatherings. Painting, flower art and exquisite tableware set off each other, reflecting the elegant temperament of space.

The elements of traditional Chinese window grilles, simplified and interpreted by modern techniques, present a new form, which is used on the cabinet wall and partition screen, extending from the living room, tea room space to the dining room, and integrating oriental elegance into modern life.

The traditional Chinese style is a cool tone, which is elegant and restrained, but lacks the smell of fireworks.

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