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Agricultural Development Bank Shaoshan Sub branch: prevent non publicity into the community and guard the residents' "pockets"

May 30, 2024 17:28 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hunan Channel
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In order to strengthen the publicity of preventing illegal fund-raising, further popularize financial knowledge close to financial consumers, and enhance the people's sense of financial service acquisition, the Agricultural Development Bank of China Shaoshan Sub branch, together with Shaoshan Financial Office and Caixin Securities Shaoshan Base, jointly carried out the prevention of illegal fund-raising and the publicity of financial knowledge.

This activity relies on Shaoshan City Financial Science Popularization Knowledge Publicity Station, focuses on the elderly, young people, new citizens and other key groups, sets up anti non knowledge publicity display boards, publicity materials, plays anti non animation teaching videos, and introduces basic financial knowledge and common cases of anti non knowledge to the public in simple terms. Interesting questions answering, pot throwing games and other interactive links were also set up on the scene to integrate popular science knowledge with the "fancy" elements of the game, guide the masses to participate actively in the form of fun, scenes and diversification, enhance financial literacy in the fun of teaching, and help to hold the "purse".

This activity attracted a large number of residents in the local railway station community, created a strong publicity atmosphere, effectively promoted the concept of anti non crime to the public, improved the public's ability to identify and prevent risks, and was recognized and praised by the masses. Shaoshan Sub branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China will actively fulfill its social responsibilities, continue to do a good job of regular financial publicity for key customer groups, send financial knowledge to the fields and campus communities, take practical actions to maintain financial security, and effectively improve the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the public's financial life. (Xiao Shanshan)

(Editor in charge: Tang Lihan, Peng Yingbing)

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