Member Xu Longchuan: Promote the financial industry to support the accelerated development of the elderly care service industry

08:41, January 14, 2020 Source: Heilongjiang Daily
Original title: Promote the financial industry to support the accelerated development of the elderly care service industry

Xu Longchuan

Proposal background:

In recent years, aging has become increasingly serious. Establishing and improving the social elderly care service system and accelerating the development of the elderly care industry have become an important task of building a harmonious society in our province. At present, the shortage of funds of enterprises has become an important bottleneck restricting the development of the elderly care service industry in our province, which needs to be solved urgently.

Significance of the proposal:

Our province's financial support for the development of the pension industry is facing problems such as the lack of credit support implementation methods, basic conditions, incentive mechanisms, etc., while other regions in China have clearly planned to support the development of the pension industry in terms of the expansion of financing channels for the pension industry, set up pension industry funds, and promote financial products related to the pension industry.


Breaking the dilemma that financial support for the elderly care industry only stays at the policy level, combining with the actual situation of our province, we should formulate and issue implementation measures to support the elderly care industry as soon as possible, and implement differentiated credit policies for the elderly care industry; Establish a special financial institution for elderly care services or be undertaken by existing policy banks, giving them the responsibility of financial support for the elderly care industry and the elderly population. Increase financial support for project financing in the elderly care service industry, provide risk compensation, financial discount, financial incentives and other support policies for project loans in the elderly care service industry, and increase credit enhancement support through government guarantee funds, policy guarantee institutions and other ways. Strengthen financial products to support the innovation of pension industry, and design and introduce financial products suitable for all levels and types of pension industry in the province. (Reporter Guo Minghua/Writer Jing Tianxu/photographer)

(Editor in charge: Wang Yan, Zou Hui)