Seize the Opportunity and Gather Strength Hainan Provincial Commercial Federation Supports the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port with Practical Actions

23:21, June 10, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - Hainan Channel


In the afternoon of June 10, the seventh session of the fourth session of the Council of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce was held in Haikou. Heads of 118 governing member units and the chairman and vice chairman of the Board of Supervisors from across the province attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

The meeting was presided over by Li Bin, Executive Vice President of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce (President of Hainan Branch of Postal Savings Bank), and Liu Honghe, President of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce, delivered a speech. Han Fei, Executive Vice President of the Provincial Federation of Commerce (Chairman of PetroChina Hainan Sales Co., Ltd.), read out the Notice on the Establishment of Honest Member Units and the Measures for the Selection of Hainan's Top Ten Trusts, Wu Jinduo, Executive Vice President (President of Hainan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China), Zhang Zhongke, (President of Hainan Branch of China Construction Bank), and (President of Hainan Branch of ICBC) Hu Ye introduced the support of Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to agricultural enterprises, engineering construction and commercial enterprises.

Liu Honghe, President of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce, delivered a speech

Liu Honghe, President of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce, said in his speech that during the National Two Sessions this year, Hainan received high attention, and six major reports, including the government work report, clearly put forward support for accelerating the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. The construction of a free trade port in Hainan is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee to promote the innovative development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, focusing on the overall domestic and international situation, and a major event in the process of reform and opening up in the new era. The theme of the seventh council meeting of the fourth session of the Provincial Federation of Commerce is to call on businessmen in the province to take the spirit of the National Two Sessions as the driving force, study and implement the General Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council as the goal, closely follow the decision-making and deployment of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to build Hainan Free Trade Port, and gather strength to integrate into the overall situation of Hainan Free Trade Port construction, Actively contribute to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.


Meeting site

Liu Honghe stressed that the development strategy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to build a free trade port in Hainan has created a once-in-a-lifetime development opportunity and environment for the commercial industry in Hainan Province. Under such an environment, enterprises have development opportunities. We should adhere to the spirit of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", firmly adhere to the career belief that "happiness comes from struggle", roll up our sleeves and work hard.

A show of hands

Liu Honghe introduced the six services to be carried out by Hainan Provincial Commerce Federation for the majority of member units: first, to further run a large e-commerce platform of Huiguang (Huiguang Mall), providing free entry, online store opening and online sales services for member units; The second is to provide financing and loan channels for members to help solve difficulties in the process of financing and loan. The third is to carry out the creation of honest member units, select Hainan's top ten handheld gifts, and provide business credit qualification certification services to establish a credit brand; Fourth, the annual Hainan Spring Festival Commodities and Agricultural Products Fair will be held well to invigorate the circulation of commodities, expand domestic demand and meet consumers' demand for purchasing new year goods; Fifth, give play to the function of the People's Mediation Committee of the Provincial Federation of Commerce, and provide civil dispute mediation services for members without charge; The sixth is to use the functions of the Commercial Mediation Center of the Provincial Federation of Commerce to provide paid services for members to mediate commercial disputes. Seven is to carry out the selection of Hainan's top 100 commercial enterprises and Hainan's top 20 real estate business credit to establish Hainan's commercial brand.

At the meeting, Wang Jian, Executive Vice President of the Provincial Federation of Commerce (General Manager of China Life Insurance Hainan Branch), presided over the mid session addition and adjustment of the Council members.

The head of the Federation will issue a certificate of appointment to the head of the new vice president unit

Issue the appointment certificate to the head of the new executive director unit

According to the Articles of Association of Hainan Provincial Chamber of Commerce and the Rules for the Examination and Approval of the Leading Member Units of Hainan Provincial Chamber of Commerce, the Bank of China Hainan Branch, Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Hainan Yehai Grain and Oil Trading Market Co., Ltd., Hainan Xiangtai Fisheries Co., Ltd., Hainan Nanguo Food Industry Co., Ltd., Hainan Yangzhuang Industrial Investment Co., Ltd Hainan Chayinghang Trading Co., Ltd., Hainan Xinjiasheng Investment Co., Ltd., Hongshunzui Hainan Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and Haikou Longhua Nanjia Peanut Dried Fruit Firm Co., Ltd. are the fourth vice president units; 8 fourth executive director units including Hainan Software Vocational and Technical College, 26 fourth director units and 2 fourth vice chairman units of the Board of Supervisors were added and promoted; At the same time, 7 vice president units and 1 executive director unit were adjusted as the fourth director unit.

Issue the post holding certificate to the new supervisor's vice chairman unit

Issue certificates to new governing units

The leaders of the Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce issued job certificates to the new vice president unit, the executive director unit, the director unit and the vice chairman unit of the Board of Supervisors.


group photo

Liu Hanxi, Vice President of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce (Chairman of Hainan Nanguo Food Industry Co., Ltd.), shared the experience of resuming production and developing economy during the "Nanguo Food Group" epidemic. The 7th Session of the 4th Council of Hainan Provincial Federation of Commerce successfully completed all the agenda in a serious and harmonious atmosphere.

(Editor in charge: Liu Hantao, Xi Xiuqin)

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