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 Senior member of Garden Network The 7th year
Jiangsu Xiaoning Garden Co., Ltd Business license certification Personal identity authentication
Address: Yuntai Community, Hengxi Street, Jiangning District, Nanjing
Contact: Zhong Ning Click here to send me a message
Post code: 210000
Mobile: 15005222188
Other numbers: 18851652788
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WeChat: 15005222188

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Company Profile more

 Jiangsu Xiaoning Garden Co., Ltd The predecessor of the seedling base of Jiangsu Xiaoning Garden Co., Ltd. was established in August 2006. In order to meet the needs of urban landscape beautification, the company has carried out strict screening on the basis of focusing on tree shape and color through market research, and timely introduced internationally popular high-quality color tree species from Europe and the United States for breeding and cultivation. In recent years, the company's color tree species have caused urban construction, High attention and recognition of landscaping and design units. Since 2009, the company's leading varieties, Nata oak, North American maple, willow oak, European basswood, European hornbeam, American blue cedar, color leafed pear, American red maple October glory, sunset red, Virginia oak, acer truncatum, pistachio, beech (tall pole), have been entering Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen, Wuhan, Jinan, Hefei, Landscape roads and parks in more than 20 cities, including Chengdu. Service tenet of the company: either do not do it, or do it well. The Base solemnly promises to resolutely say no to any "person" who does not obey the rules.

Product quotation more
Product name Specifications Price (yuan) Company Update time remarks
liquidambar styraciflua Height: 900cm, meter diameter: 16cm, crown diameter: 600cm, ground diameter: 18cm one hundred and fifty plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
liquidambar styraciflua Height: 800cm, meter diameter: 14cm, crown diameter: 500cm, ground diameter: 16cm one hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
liquidambar styraciflua Height: 800cm, meter diameter: 13cm, crown diameter: 500cm, ground diameter: 15cm nine hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 800cm, meter diameter: 16cm, crown diameter: 800cm, ground diameter: 18cm eight hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 1000 cm, meter diameter: 18 cm, crown diameter: 800 cm, ground diameter: 22 cm one thousand and two hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 1000 cm, meter diameter: 15 cm, crown diameter: 500 cm, ground diameter: 17 cm seven hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 900cm, meter diameter: 14cm, crown diameter: 500cm, ground diameter: 16cm six hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 900cm, meter diameter: 13cm, crown diameter: 500cm, ground diameter: 15cm four hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Nata oak Height: 800cm, meter diameter: 12cm, crown diameter: 600cm, ground diameter: 14cm three hundred plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
liquidambar styraciflua Height: 800cm, meter diameter: 15cm, crown diameter: 600cm, ground diameter: 18cm one hundred and fifty plant 2024-03-20 Flexible price, based on
Jiangsu Xiaoning Garden Co., Ltd Address: Yuntai Community, Hengxi Street, Jiangning District, Nanjing Tel:-
technical support: Garden network Administrator Portal
Business License No.: Zhe B2-20100396 Advertising Business License No.: 330100000040968 ZGZAB No. 33010402003154
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