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Current location: Hezhou Tourism Website > Hezhou Tourist Attractions >Huangyao Ancient Town
 Huangyao Ancient Town

Huangyao Ancient Town

AAAA Grade A scenic spot

Huangyao, located in the lower reaches of the Lijiang River, is known as the "poetic home". There are "more than six" in the town, including many mountains, rivers, caves, pavilions, temples, temples, ancestral halls, ancient trees, and couplets and plaques. Huangyao Ancient Town, located in Guang [View details]

Types of attractions: ancient town  

Opening Hours: 7:30-18:00

Address: Huangyao Ancient Town, Zhaoping County, Hezhou, Guangxi consult a map

Huangyao Ancient Town Ticket Reservation

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Nominal price
Landscape price