How to use Tencent King Card series to watch CCTV video without prompting for free flow?

Source: CCTV | April 1, 2020 16:37
CCTV | April 1, 2020 16:37
Original title:

(1) First, call 10010 to confirm whether you are using the Unicom Internet card (Tencent King Card Series);

(2) If you use an Android phone, please be sure to put the King card in the slot at sim card 1;

(3) Please upgrade the CCTV AV mobile phone client to the latest version;

(4) Please adjust the live broadcast code rate you watch to standard definition, high-definition, and ultra definition;

(5) It may be caused by poor network signal. It is recommended that you change to another location and try to watch it again.

If the above operation still fails to solve your problem of generating additional traffic, please call China Unicom 10010 customer service for help.

Edited by: Zhang Shu Editor in charge:
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