A gathering of famous Chinese and Japanese experts in gastroenterology! Summit Forum held in Luohu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenzhen
2023-11-25 20:15
Source: Shenzhen News Network

A gathering of famous Chinese and Japanese experts in gastroenterology! Summit Forum held in Luohu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenzhen

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Shenzhen News Network, November 25, 2023 (Reporter Wei Jiancheng/photo) On November 24, the 2023 China Japan Digestive Endoscopy Summit Forum and Seminar on Early Gastrointestinal Cancer was held in Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group Luohu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shenzhen Hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). Famous domestic and foreign experts in the department of gastroenterology attended the meeting to discuss and display the latest advances in domestic and foreign technologies in the field of digestion, further promoting the vigorous development of the discipline of digestive endoscopy in Shenzhen.

Zhao Hong, Vice President of Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group and Executive President of Luohu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, delivered a welcome speech. She thanked the famous experts in the Department of Gastroenterology at home and abroad for their support and help, which has made significant progress in the Department of Gastroenterology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and said that the hospital would, as always, vigorously support the development of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology and the Department of Gastroenterology. Subsequently, Liu Jintao, deputy chairman of digestive endoscopy of Guangdong Medical Association and former chairman of Digestive Disease Branch of Shenzhen Medical Association, delivered a passionate speech and was pleased with the progress of digestive endoscopy in TCM hospitals in recent years.

Professor Liu Jintao, Vice Chairman of Digestive Endoscopy Branch of Guangdong Medical Association, delivered a speech.

In the morning of the same day, in the Digestive Endoscopy Center of Luohu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ren Muzhuo, a famous professor in the Department of Gastroenterology of Tanazawa Hospital, Japan, trained endoscopic operation hand in hand, and taught by example, which benefited the participants greatly.

At the beginning of the forum in the afternoon, Professor Ren Muzhuo gave a speech first. His Observation Points of Gastric Cancer after Sterilization made the participants refreshing; Wang Lisheng, a doctor, professor, chief physician and doctoral supervisor of Shenzhen People's Hospital, made a discussion entitled "Endoscopic treatment of duodenal papilloadenoma".

Sun Dayong, the chairman of Digestive and Digestive Endoscopy Branch of Guangdong Primary Medical Association, the chairman of Digestive Branch of Shenzhen Medical Doctor Association, and the chief physician of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, made a wonderful presentation on ERCP Intubation Technology.

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Superficial Carcinoma of the Pharynx, written by Gong Wei, director of Shenzhen Hospital of Southern Medical University, made a brilliant presentation on how to identify this easily overlooked area and described the difficulties and precautions of endoscopic treatment.

Director Xu Long, a digestive expert in the General Hospital of Shenzhen University, made a report on the exploration of gallbladder stone preservation and extraction, which fully demonstrated the charm and exquisite technology of endoscopic technology.

Later, Li Yinpeng, an endoscopic ultrasound expert and director of Longhua Branch of Shenzhen People's Hospital, presented the application of elastography and contrast-enhanced ultrasound in solid pancreatic masses under EUS.

Dr. Luo Xiaobei, a young talent who became famous in the domestic digestive industry at an early age and a member of the South Hospital of Southern Medical University, showed the "ESD Resection Skills for Duodenal Lesions", and the exquisite endoscopic skills conquered the audience.

Finally, Huang Wei, director of Luohu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reported on Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Gastric Cancer, and showed some small lesions found by young doctors in the department, pointing out the significance of early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. After the meeting, Director Huang Wei made a summary, saying that the seminar was strongly supported by famous experts from Japan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and the spleen and stomach circles, and expressed gratitude for the dedication of the teaching experts and the input of the discussion experts!

The meeting was of high standard, and the achievements displayed by local experts reflected that some endoscopic technologies of Shenzhen Hospital had reached the first-class level in China! The spirit of the experts also fully proves that colleagues in the digestion, spleen and stomach sectors actively cooperate with the strategic goal of national health China, and strive to close the gap with the international advanced. The seminar has been a complete success!

It is reported that with the change of modern lifestyle and living environment and the aggravation of aging problem, digestive system diseases such as colorectal cancer, gastric cancer and esophageal cancer continue to occur at a high rate, affecting people's quality of life and life safety. With the implementation of the "Healthy China 2030 National Strategy", the principle of national cancer prevention and treatment will be followed, so that the limited health resources will gradually shift from the treatment of patients in the middle and late stages to prevention, intervention and early diagnosis and treatment.

In this regard, there is still a big gap between China and Japan, South Korea and other countries. Take gastric cancer as an example. At present, the diagnosis rate of early gastric cancer in China is about 10%, while that in Japan is as high as 70% - 80%, and that in neighboring Korea is 40% - 50%. "Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment" of digestive tract tumors has become an urgent task for us.

[Editor: Wu Qintong, Zhou Haohua]