Obstetrical experts gathered in the Far East to deeply analyze critical and severe cases The fourth Pengcheng Obstetrical Hotspot Forum closed
2023-11-25 20:00
Source: Shenzhen News Network

Obstetrical experts gathered in the Far East to deeply analyze critical and severe cases The fourth Pengcheng Obstetrical Hotspot Forum closed

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Shenzhen News Network, November 20, 2023 (Reporter Zhong Yaping) In order to spread the advanced experience of obstetrics in Shenzhen, actively introduce cutting-edge technology and medical progress at home and abroad, and promote the improvement of diagnosis and treatment of complications and complications during pregnancy and childbirth in this region under the new fertility policy, from November 18 to November 19, the Shenzhen Medical Association and Shenzhen Far East Maternity Hospital jointly sponsored The 2023 "Fourth Pengcheng Obstetrics Hotspot Forum" organized by the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch of Shenzhen Medical Association was held in Shenzhen Far East Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.

The conference was held in the form of online live broadcast and offline teaching. Among them, 309 people attended the meeting and 171420 people watched it online.

The conference invited more than 30 famous obstetricians and gynaecologists from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places to carry out multi-level and multi perspective exchanges and discussions on the current hot spots, difficult problems and cutting-edge clinical research progress in obstetrics medicine around the theme of "Pengcheng obstetrics hot spots", bringing about nearly 30 academic presentations, Bring us an academic feast full of dry goods.

Kai delivered an opening speech to Mr. Wang Wei, CEO of Medical and Chairman of Shenzhen Far East Maternity Hospital Group.

Professor Su Fangming, the chairman of the "Fourth Pengcheng Obstetrics Hotspot Forum", the president of Shenzhen Far East Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, the leader of obstetrics and gynecology, and the director of obstetrics and gynecology, delivered a speech.

Group photo of some experts of the "Fourth Pengcheng Obstetrics Hotspot Forum".

As the childbearing age is gradually postponed, the proportion of elderly and complicated pregnant women is also gradually increasing. Obstetricians also need more experience and skills to deal with these complex situations. The forum lasted for two days, with rich topics and contents close to the topics of clinical and doctors' interest, including amniotic fluid embolism, placenta implantation, pelvic floor rehabilitation of pregnancy and childbirth, ultrasound application, pregnancy with heart disease, neonatal infection, intrauterine treatment, etc., which were popular and practical.

More than 30 famous obstetricians and gynaecologists brought academic reports.

On the forum, Su Fangming shared "Delivery related DIC and Atypical Amniotic Embolism", and gave corresponding treatment methods for delivery related DIC, so that the field students' learning can be closer to the actual combat. At the same time, he also introduced the multi-disciplinary treatment process of amniotic fluid embolism, and shared a case of MDT team rescuing a pregnant woman with amniotic fluid embolism. From the aspects of prodromal symptoms, logistics preparation, emergency measures, further treatment, and the implementation of treatment plans, it gave a detailed explanation, and emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary team cooperation in rescuing women with amniotic fluid embolism.

"Since 2019, the continuing education class of Pengcheng Obstetrics Hotspot Forum hosted by Shenzhen Far East Maternity Hospital has continued to the fourth session. Diseases that are likely to lead to adverse outcomes of mothers and infants, such as amniotic fluid embolism, pre eclampsia, obstetric bleeding, hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy, dangerous placenta previa and other complications, are still hot and difficult issues that should be focused on and discussed at this conference. This year, new topics related to internal diseases and maternal medicine were added, For example, Professor Liu Zijian of the China Fetal Medical Foundation brought "Intrauterine Treatment", and Dr. Hu Zhiyang of Shenzhen People's Hospital also shared "Analysis of Causes of Abortion after Intrauterine Treatment" Su Fangming, president of the conference, told the media at the scene that the field of obstetrics abroad is divided into three sub specialty directions: maternal medicine, fetal medicine and general obstetrics. Although there is no complete subdivision in China, research and treatment in different sub specialty fields are ongoing.

Su Fangming was interviewed by the news media on the spot.

"Under the new fertility policy and the postponement of childbearing age, amniotic fluid embolism, postpartum hemorrhage, dangerous placenta previa, acute fatty liver in pregnancy and other critical pregnant women accounted for an increasing proportion year by year." Talking about the important meaning of Pengcheng Obstetrics Hotspot Forum for the development of hospitals and obstetrics, Su Fangming said that he hoped that through this platform, cutting-edge obstetrics and gynecology technologies Clinical experience is shared with obstetricians in Shenzhen to reduce maternal mortality and perinatal adverse outcomes.

It is understood that Shenzhen Far East Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital has always been taking medical technology as the core, combining various academic forces, through various forms and carriers, to discuss and share more experience on discipline construction, case diagnosis and treatment with the industry; At the same time, the hospital pays close attention to the quality control of obstetric medical care, gives full play to the advantages of the tertiary maternity hospital, establishes a multi department cooperation mechanism, and forms a standardized rescue process focusing on obstetrics, and multidisciplinary cooperation of anesthesia department, operating room, blood transfusion department, laboratory department, ultrasound department, neonatal department, etc.

At present, under the leadership and establishment of President Su Fangming, the Far East Obstetrics Emergency and Critical Maternity Rescue Team has improved the rescue plan for critical pregnant women, improved the rapid response and disposal ability, strengthened the management and rescue of newborns and pregnant women, and continued to make efforts to improve the construction of Shenzhen's obstetrics discipline and ensure the good outcome of mothers and babies.

(This picture is provided by Shenzhen Far East Maternity Hospital)

[Editor: Zhang Ling and Wu Chao]