
Eating a kind of potato to prolong life for ten years

06:30, December 29, 2016    Sina Health Blog    Collect this article      

The most common real treasure: often eat this food to live for ten years

Yes, it's sweet potato!

According to the Chinese Food Composition Table, 100g fresh sweet potato has 102 kcl of calories, while 100g steamed rice has 116 kcal of calories, which means that sweet potato can be used to fill the stomach when food such as rice and flour is not enough. Sweet potato is easy to grow and grows fast. It has always been used as food for famine relief. Because of this, eating sweet potatoes and other potatoes is regarded by many people as a symbol of poverty. Once life is good, people are no longer willing to touch them, so its nutritional value is often ignored.

However, with the popularization of science and culture and the improvement of people's awareness, the health value of sweet potato is undergoing a huge change. It not only has rich nutritional value, but also is a longevity melon. Next, let's see what health benefits sweet potato has?

First, broaden the bowel and relieve constipation.

Sweet potato contains very rich "soft" dietary fiber, which is said to be "soft" because the combined water power and adsorption capacity of the dietary fiber contained in sweet potato are higher than the other three dietary fibers (potato, bean curd, wheat bran and other dietary fibers), so it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. At the same time, it can promote the timely discharge of harmful substances from the intestinal tract, thereby reducing the absorption of harmful substances. Moreover, after the sweet potato is cooked, some starch changes, which can increase about 40% of dietary fiber compared with raw food. It can effectively stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote defecation.

Second, enhance the immune function.

Sweet potato contains a lot of mucin, which can prevent the atrophy of connective tissue of liver and kidney and improve the immunity of the body.

Third, prevent and fight cancer.

The rich antioxidant substances contained in sweet potatoes, such as vitamin C and beta carotene, can eliminate the role of reactive oxygen species, which is induced by cancer One of the reasons. In addition, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal health and indirectly prevent colon cancer.

Sweet potato is the only potato food that contains vitamin C among starch staple foods, and its beta carotene content is also the most abundant nutrient in potatoes and starch. β - carotene is a good antioxidant. Different contents of β - carotene make sweet potatoes appear different colors. The more beta carotene, the darker the color of sweet potatoes. Different color sweet potatoes have different antioxidant capacity. Generally speaking, the darker the color, the stronger the antioxidant capacity.

Fourth, anti-aging and prevention hypertension

Sweet potatoes contain a special substance called chlorogenic acid, which can inhibit the production of melanin and prevent Freckle and Senile plaques It can delay cell senescence. In addition, the potassium content of sweet potato is higher than that of apple and orange, and high potassium and low sodium can regulate the balance of water and electrolyte, which is conducive to preventing and alleviating hypertension.

Perhaps, we will never regard sweet potato as only a food for famine relief, will we? Finally, I would like to share with you some life tips for eating sweet potatoes, and see how they can be more nutritious?

First, because sweet potato is rich in lysine, while rice and flour are just short of lysine, it can be eaten together with rice and flour as staple food, which can complement protein well;

Second, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, which belongs to fat soluble vitamins. They should be eaten together with fat substances to better absorb them;

Third, sweet potatoes contain rich dietary fiber and are very hydrophilic. After eating sweet potatoes, remember to drink more water.

Of course, the beneficial health ingredients stated above are not unique to sweet potatoes. Among the ten dietary guidelines in the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the first one is "diversified food, cereal based, coarse and fine matching", that is, no matter how good a food is, people should not blindly follow one food. Because: there is no bad food, only unreasonable meals, the key is balance!

Article keywords: Healthcare Secret Recipe health preservation diet

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