Vinegar soaked food prolongs life

It is recorded that Shanxi Qingxu Aged Vinegar Factory (now the predecessor of Shanxi Aged Vinegar Group), which has a long history of vinegar production, once conducted a health survey among three generations of workers, including retired and in-service workers. The results were surprising. Almost none of the workers in these vinegar factories had ever suffered from the disease cancer The prevalence rate of cardiovascular diseases is also very low, and among the family members of the old vinegar factory workers, the prevalence rate of the above diseases is far lower than that of the local general population.

  Health care effect of vinegar——

● Soaking peanuts in aged vinegar: "Tianxian Pai" for reducing blood fat

Life example: Shang Zhuohua is a northerner. At his dinner table, he often sees the dish of peanuts soaked in old vinegar, not because of the taste of the dish, but because it has become a habit for him to ensure his health.

Shang Zhuohua was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia in 2005. In addition to medication, the doctor advised extra control of diet. Relatives in his hometown told him that in the local area, after suffering from hyperlipidemia, everyone would eat peanuts soaked in vinegar, saying it could reduce blood fat. So Shang Zhuohua's wife began several years ago. When cooking at home, she would add peanuts soaked in vinegar. After several years of perseverance, Shang Zhuohua's blood lipid has been kept at a normal level and never crossed the "danger line" again.

Expert comments: medical research shows that as long as 20 ml of vinegar is drunk every day, cholesterol will drop by 9% on average, neutral fat will drop by 11%, and blood viscosity will also drop; Peanuts contain 40%~50% fat, twice as much as soybeans, higher than rapeseed, and 30% protein, more than twice as much as wheat. They are called "longevity fruits". Together, the two are beneficial to health.

Specific methods: soak peanuts (even red clothes) in aged vinegar for one week, and then eat 5~10 pieces every day.

  ● Garlic soaked in aged vinegar: allergic rhinitis "Special medicine" of

Life example: Zhao Fenfen, 25, suffered from rhinallergosis 5 years. Since she got tangled up with rhinitis, what she feared most was the early morning. When she woke up, her nose was always itchy. "A-choo" and "A-choo" were endless. Sometimes she sneezed a dozen times at a time. When sleeping at night, I often have to open my mouth to breathe because my nose is blocked.

At ordinary times, Zhao Fenfen mainly uses drugs to control allergy, but the effect is not good. Under the introduction of relatives, Zhao Fenfen's mother soaked garlic with vinegar, put vinegar in a small bottle, let her take it with her, and took it out to smell whenever she felt uncomfortable with her nose.

Expert comments: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that vinegar is warm and non-toxic. It can enter the liver and stomach meridians, and has the functions of appetizing, dissipating congestion, stopping bleeding, killing insects and detoxifying; Garlic has powerful sterilization and prevention cold , detoxifying and clearing intestines. Together, the two have a good effect on rhinitis, especially allergic rhinitis.

Specific methods: Soak 5 garlic in 500ml aged vinegar. Half a month later, when the garlic cloves turn green, pour out the vinegar or directly pour the vinegar into a small bottle, carry it with you, and smell it often.

  ● Soaked black beans in vinegar: alleviate the "sub-health" of eyes

Life example: Fang Jun is a game planner. He has just graduated for two years, and spends a lot of time working every day, and needs to face the computer. Originally myopia His eyes are often tired and sour. Sometimes he will take out eyedrops and put a few drops on them to relieve them properly. But he didn't want to use eye drops for a long time, so he searched the Internet for some eye care methods, and finally the real implementation was vinegar soaked black beans.

After persisting in being jealous and soaking in black beans for one month, Fang Jun felt that even if he faced the computer for a long time every day, his eyes' tolerance was much better, and he was not as easily "tired" as before.

Expert comments: Black beans are rich in antioxidant, anthocyanin and vitamin A beneficial to eyes. Frequent consumption of black beans can not only nourish the liver and kidney, but also alleviate eye fatigue.

Specific methods: fry the black beans, air them for 15 minutes, and soak them in vinegar for about 2 hours before eating.

  ● Vinegar soaked soybeans: spot removing and healthy "essence"

Life example: Ji Xiaoyue, 38, ate too casually at ordinary times, so during the unit physical examination in June this year, she found that her cholesterol was on the high side, and in recent years, her face also grew spots. A colleague suggested that she eat vinegar soaked soybeans to reduce cholesterol and beautify her appearance.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyue began to eat 30 vinegar soaked soybeans every day. At the beginning of August, when she went to the TCM hospital for re examination, her cholesterol had returned to normal. Two months later, Ji Xiaoyue's face was also much lighter.

Expert comments: vinegar soaked soybeans contain phospholipids and various amino acids, which are effective in reducing facial pigmentation.

Specific methods: The ratio of soybeans to vinegar is 1:2. Put the fried soybeans into a bottle, pour them into vinegar to soak, seal them tightly, and place them in a cool, ventilated and dry place. One week later, they can be eaten. 15~30 capsules each time, 3 times a day, chewed.

   Selection of vinegar——

Vinegar is better

Due to different brewing materials and technological conditions, there are many ways to classify vinegar. According to the vinegar production process, vinegar can be divided into brewing vinegar and prepared vinegar. Brewing vinegar can also be divided into rice vinegar, aromatic vinegar, smoked vinegar, aged vinegar, fruit vinegar and many other varieties. Some of the common white vinegar is brewed, and some is made by eating glacial acetic acid.

Vinegar is best brewed. Regardless of classification, brewing vinegar is dominant because of its pure sour taste, rich flavor and bright color. The vinegar commonly used in the kitchen should mainly be brewed vinegar.

   Taboos of vinegar——

No vinegar on an empty stomach

No matter how strong your stomach and intestines are, it is not suitable to eat vinegar on an empty stomach, because eating vinegar on an empty stomach will lead to excessive gastric acid secretion. Medical experts recommend eating vinegar one hour after a meal, which will not stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, but also help digestion.

   stomach trouble Patients should not eat vinegar

   gastric ulcer Patients and those with excessive stomach acid should eat less vinegar, because vinegar itself is rich in organic acids, which can promote the digestive organs to secrete a large amount of digestive fluid, thus increasing the digestion of stomach acid, leading to aggravation of stomach disease.

Patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction and other diseases should not eat vinegar

Thin gastric wall, excessive gastric acid secretion duodenal ulcer Patients should limit the amount of vinegar.

  How to use vinegar——

  ● constipation Using mature vinegar: better than countless medicines

Life example: Guohao, 44 years old this year, is the second in command of his company. He often "gallops" on the liquor farm for business. In the past two years, he has had a weekly social intercourse, often ending up with more food and drink. Many social engagements made Guohao feel sick - constipated. The frequency of his defecation gradually changed from once a day to once a day, and even once every 3-4 days in serious cases.

In May this year, Guohao came to the Department of Gastroenterology of the Chinese Medicine Hospital for treatment. The doctor suggested that he drink a mouthful of old vinegar every morning on an empty stomach, then drink a cup of cold boiled water, and add some old vinegar when cooking. After more than a week, Guohao felt a lot of relief from constipation; One month later, Guohao came back and said he was not constipated.

Expert comments: The aged vinegar is rich in amino acids, enzymes and various unsaturated fatty acids. Regular drinking of the aged vinegar can promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce blood lipids, neutralize some toxins, and maintain the balance of ecological flora in the intestinal environment. If 6~7 drops of aged vinegar are put in the soup and vegetables of each meal, it will not only taste delicious, but also nourish the face.

  ● White peony and white vinegar: dispel menstrual pain

Life example: Every month there are always a few days that make Wang Ju especially afraid. Since her menstruation began, the first two days will always be unbearable pain. Once the pain started, Wang Ju could do nothing but roll in bed. In serious cases, she even asked for leave to rest at home. Later, Wang Ju tried to take painkillers every time she felt pain. Although it had some effect dizzy headache Painkillers cannot be eliminated.

In April this year, Wang Ju went to the hospital's Traditional Chinese Medicine Department to see a doctor because of cervical pain. The doctor suggested that she try white peony and white vinegar (take 100g white peony tablets, mix them with 15ml white vinegar, stir fry them slowly until they are slightly yellow, take 15g daily), saying they can effectively relieve the pain dysmenorrhea After using this prescription, Wang Ju's menstrual period passed smoothly in the following months.

Expert comments: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that white vinegar soaked with white peony can nourish the blood and astringe yang, soften the liver and relieve pain, and has a good effect on liver depression, hypochondriac pain, dizziness, headache and other diseases caused by female blood deficiency, dysmenorrhea, and irritability.

  ● Home smoked vinegar: preventable influenza

Life example: Deng Bowen's family seldom catch a cold, because every season or when the weather changes greatly, Deng Bowen's wife will put the aged vinegar into the pot to boil, then close the doors and windows, let the vinegar steam smoke at home for a while to prevent respiratory diseases.

Expert comments: vinegar has a strong bactericidal effect and can eliminate fatigue, so fumigating vinegar at home can kill viruses and bacteria and prevent influenza.

Article keywords: Vinegar food prolong life

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