A rash is a precursor to cancer

05:15, December 30, 2016 Beijing Morning Post
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 1 rash is<a href=' http://health.sina.com.cn/disease/ku/01048/ 'target='_blank '>Cancer</a>Precursors A rash is a precursor to cancer

Reader: Father, please zoster For fear of infection, people are not allowed to visit at home. Is this disease contagious?

Tong Tong: Generally, herpes zoster is not infectious to adults because it is caused by Chicken pox -It is caused by herpes zoster virus, and most adults have immunity, so it is generally not contagious. This disease is mostly lifelong immunity, and only once in a lifetime.

Herpes zoster is commonly known as the "dragon around the waist". When the virus enters the blood through the respiratory mucosa, people will have chickenpox. Some people may not have it, but they have been recessively infected. Later, the virus will be hidden in the spinal dorsal root ganglion or the cranial nerve sensory ganglion for a long time. When the body's resistance is reduced due to fatigue, aging or general chronic wasting diseases, the latent virus will come out to disturb and erode the nerves, and then pain and herpes will appear along the distribution of the Holy Scripture, Some people still have pain for a long time after the disappearance of herpes, because this virus causes nerve inflammation and necrosis. After nerve function damage, they always give false alarm to the brain. This false alarm is stubborn and even intractable pain.

Researchers have found that if herpes zoster occurs in people over 50, it is likely to be a warning of cancer. Japanese scholars put forward in the literature report that about 12.1% of patients with herpes zoster were complicated with visceral cancer, and the elderly were even higher. 18% of patients over 51 years of age with herpes zoster were complicated with cancer. The most malignant tumors were malignant tumors of the lymphatic system, and others were gastric cancer lung cancer , intestinal cancer prostatic cancer , esophageal cancer, etc. In particular, some people who had herpes zoster before, in the middle and old age, had a second attack, which is more likely to indicate the possibility of later cancer.

The occurrence of most viral diseases is related to the decline of body immunity, and the occurrence of tumors is also closely related to immune deficiency. Once shingles appear, it will at least remind you that your immunity is very low at this time, and the tumor cells that can coexist with you can gather at this time to form cancer. Therefore, if you have herpes zoster, even if it is not a precursor of cancer, it also reminds you to take a rest and recuperate as soon as possible.

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