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"Medical reform is a relay race" -- The National Health Commission introduces and promotes the experience of Sanming medical reform

08:47, May 24, 2024 Source: Xinhua

Sanming, Fujian, has accumulated a lot of experience in medical reform, which has been used for reference by local governments in recent years. What results have been achieved in promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform? What are the blocking points and difficulties? The National Health Commission held a press conference in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province on the 23rd to respond to social concerns.

Sanming has more experience in medical reform

In each province, the main responsible person of the Party committee and the government should focus on the medical reform to the end; The construction of compact county medical community has been launched in an all-round way, and the pilot construction of compact urban medical group has been promoted; Accelerate and expand the purchase of drug consumables in a centralized manner

On May 23, in Yancheng, Jiangsu, the National Health Commission held a press conference on "promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform in Fujian". Photographed by Dong Ruifeng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Xue Haining, Deputy Director of the Department of System Reform of the National Health Commission, introduced at the press conference that in recent years, various regions have further expanded and enriched the connotation of Sanming medical reform in practice, and made positive progress in promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform according to local conditions.

"The experience of Sanming medical reform emphasized again today is the summary and summary of a group of typical experiences of typical cities and prefectures in deepening medical reform represented by Sanming," Xue Haining said.

Compacting the responsibilities of the county medical community, improving the health service guarantee mechanism, and improving the level of medical and health services... Sanming has started again and explored the way towards "great health" in recent years while consolidating and improving the effectiveness of the original reform.

Yang Minhong, director of the Health Commission of Fujian Province, introduced that the local government improved the medical nurse system in accordance with the principle that finance, medical insurance and patients should bear a little of the burden respectively, and the cost of patient care in pilot areas decreased significantly. In addition, in view of the problem that people are tired of seeing doctors, innovative services such as family beds, Internet+TCM distribution and other convenience services were carried out.

"Reform is a 'relay race' and also a 'team race'." Yang Minhong said that while Fujian promoted the experience of Sanming medical reform, it also explored more innovative measures based on reality.

The demonstration effect of reform is constantly emerging

In recent years, Dongtai City, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, has set up a county medical community operating agency to create "ten centers" for regional inspection, online ECG, image cloud diagnosis, smart first aid, remote consultation, centralized review, health follow-up, medical care scheduling, drug supply, and disinfection supply, so that people can enjoy the homogeneous services of county hospitals in towns and villages.

"Create a 'chain' of county medical care, weave a 'network' of health management, and promote the evaluation and assessment of a 'chess game'." Zhang Mingkang, mayor of Yancheng City, introduced.

Realize the intercommunication and sharing of the city's health resources, medical services and other data; A 120 life green card was established for 120000 elderly people over 80 years old. When the elderly dialed 120, the system would automatically identify information and send cars intelligently... Hubei Yichang has made the reform of digital empowerment more convenient for people to see doctors.

"Let data run more and people run less," said Xu Weiying, vice mayor of Yichang.

Located in the southwest, Guizhou Zunyi's health expenditure will account for 13.4% of the city's general public budget expenditure in 2023, a high proportion. The city has also improved the ability of municipal hospitals to solve difficult and miscellaneous problems by introducing high-quality medical resources inside and outside the province.

Ming Yan, vice mayor of Zunyi City, said that in recent years, the local government has learned and promoted the experience of Sanming medical reform according to local conditions, promoted the expansion and sinking of high-quality medical resources and balanced layout, and worked hard to achieve "the solution of common diseases in cities and counties, and the solution of minor diseases such as headache and brain fever in villages".

"A number of typical cities have emerged to promote the experience of Sanming medical reform, and the demonstration effect of reform is constantly emerging," Xue Haining said.

Aim at the problem of "slow reform"

It is reported that the next step of deepening medical reform will consolidate and strengthen the measures that have been proved effective in practice, and increase efforts in key areas and key links.

The "task list" has been clarified.

Xue Haining said that in the process of learning and promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform according to local conditions, some places have not yet understood, understood and promoted the reform from the overall and overall perspective, and there is a tendency of not wanting to learn or do. For key reform tasks such as medical service prices, medical insurance payments, and medical staff salaries, there is a fear of difficulties in some places, and the reform has been carried out slowly without breakthrough.

"These are the main problems that we should focus on in the next step," Xue Haining said. (Reporter Dong Ruifeng, Qiu Bingqing)

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Chen Jian)