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Try this rising sun exercise in early summer

Chen Ziyuan

At 15:21 on May 22, 2024 Source: People's Network

In early summer, Yang Qi begins to be enriched. Moderate increase in exercise is conducive to unblocking Qi, improving Yang Qi and strengthening the body. Chen Lihua, Deputy Chief Physician of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Chengdu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, said in an interview that often doing yang lifting exercises can improve the blood and yang qi, thus improving the body's resistance, so as to achieve the goal of health and disease prevention.

Chen Lihua introduced that the Ascending Yang Exercises combines the eight segments of brocade and the Tendon Changing Classic in the guiding method of traditional Chinese medicine, mainly including the following eight movements:

Hold the sky with both hands

Through the action of "holding the sky with both hands", it can regulate the qi, blood, yin and yang of the triple energizer.

Climbing feet with both hands

The action of "climbing feet with both hands" is carried out by pitching the waist to a large extent, which plays the role of strengthening the waist and kidney, dredging the meridians, and regulating the human qi and blood.

Ascending sun squat

By coordinating the waist, legs and feet, this movement opens the kidney channel, promotes the yang of the governor vessel, expels the cold and damp evil in the body, and plays the role of strengthening the kidney and warming the yang.

Butterfly calisthenics

This action can widen the chest and regulate qi by coordinating the chest, waist and abdomen, stretching the Du meridian, bladder meridian and liver meridian.

Rub your palm and gently press your face

This action can help to clear your mind by promoting the blood circulation of your hands and face.

Beat Jiquan acupoint

Jiquan point is located at the apex of the axilla, where the axillary artery beats. Regular tapping can regulate qi and blood, and maintain heart and lung.

Beat Shaohai acupoint

Shaohai point is located at the end of the transverse line on the inside of the elbow joint. Frequent tapping can improve the cardiopulmonary function, clear the heart and purge fire.

Beat the veins

The belt pulse is located in the abdomen and both sides. Frequent tapping can maintain the channels, regulate dysmenorrhea, strengthen the kidney, and relieve constipation.

(Editor in charge: Shen Jiaping, Lv Qian)