People's Network Health · Life

(Jintai Essay)

Everyone gathers firewood and the environment is accessible

Xu Yuyao

08:50, October 20, 2023 Source: People's Daily

If you accidentally lose the ability to act independently, how can you resolve the inconvenience you encounter in life?

Some time ago, the author accidentally fractured his right foot, walked through the familiar city on crutches and in a wheelchair, and many details that he usually ignored were suddenly magnified, and his experience was particularly profound. In the airport station, the staff take good care of it and take the barrier free elevator to get on and off the floor easily; In the buildings, barrier free signs, ramps and other facilities have reduced many traffic problems for me. In the past, barrier free facilities for the elderly and the disabled also benefit young people who can't walk normally due to injuries.

There are about 85 million disabled people in China, as well as a large number of elderly people who are unable to take care of themselves completely and who need to use barrier free facilities due to short-term injuries and illnesses. The construction of barrier free environment is a necessary condition to ensure the equal participation of disabled people in social life, but the beneficiaries are not only disabled people, but also people in various barrier situations. For this reason, the construction of barrier free environment requires all parties to join hands and pool their efforts.

For barrier free facilities, common attention and common maintenance can play a greater role. Every ditch and every ridge on the road can be crossed by ordinary people in one step, which is a huge obstacle for some people with poor legs; Many small things in life can be accomplished without effort by ordinary people, while visually impaired people often need to think about and try again and again to gradually master them. Do not occupy the blind road, the third toilet of comity and comity, and do not occupy the barrier free parking space. Similar "little things" are as important as building barrier free facilities, which need to be adhered to for a long time.

The construction of barrier free environment is a systematic project, which relates to all aspects of social life. For example, in the face of the accelerated promotion of the digital society, we should help the silver hair group better "reach the net" and help the visually impaired people to cross the "digital divide". For example, while all kinds of infrastructure and hardware facilities are constantly improved, improving the accessibility awareness of the whole society and making the concept of accessibility deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is also an essential part of promoting the construction of barrier free society. At present, many applications have launched the "old version", and many mobile phones provide the mode for visually impaired people to operate. These are beneficial explorations and attempts that keep pace with the times.

Environment is unimpeded and life is loving. It is necessary to gather wisdom and strength to eliminate various tangible and intangible obstacles and jointly build a barrier free environment. The "Bright Cinema" founded in 2017 has attracted hundreds of volunteers, helping many visually impaired people enjoy the first movie in their lives. Today, there are many social groups that are committed to the cause of accessibility, illuminating the lives of many disabled people in helping solve specific problems, and contributing light and heat to a more equal and inclusive accessible society. The construction of barrier free society requires the participation of a systematic and professional force, as well as the contribution of everyone. When we meet people with visual impairment who need help at the crossroads, and when we meet elderly people with mobility difficulties at the station and airport, we should try our best to lend a helping hand and release the greatest goodwill. The meaning of "love without hindrance" will be constantly revealed in the details that people can reach.

On September 1 this year, the Law on Accessible Environment Construction was officially implemented. This special law will provide a solid legal guarantee for the disabled and the elderly to participate in and integrate into social life on an equal, full and convenient basis, and promote all members of society to share the fruits of economic and social development. From "have or not" to "excellent or not", we should participate in various ways to form a good atmosphere in which everyone cares and participates in building an accessible environment, which will surely benefit the whole society.

People's Daily (October 20, 2023, version 09)

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Yang Di)