People's Network Health · Life

Four precautions for autumn health preservation (TCM health preservation)

Zong Bi'an

07:04, October 20, 2023 Source: People's Daily

In autumn, the temperature difference between day and night increases, especially in the north. The change of ambient temperature will affect the body, so targeted protection is required for health maintenance.

Keep cool. If you don't pay attention to keeping warm in this season, the cold air will irritate the skin, and the immunity of the human body will decline due to the cold, so it is unable to resist the cold pathogen, and it is easy to have lung and respiratory diseases. It is suggested to add clothes and quilts in the morning and evening, instead of being topless; Do not sleep in the cold. Remove the mat, close the window and air conditioner, and put on long clothes and trousers to sleep.

Prevent dryness. When autumn dryness comes, the human body is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat, dry stool, dry skin and other symptoms. In serious cases, nasal bleeding due to dryness will occur. In daily diet, the intake of soft foods such as sesame, honey, loquat, tomato, lily and black plum should be increased to benefit the stomach, lungs and body fluid. Drink more water to keep the lungs and respiratory tract moist.

Temperature difference prevention. The temperature difference between morning and evening in autumn is large. For unstable angina pectoris and even myocardial infarction and other acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, too cold and too hot are inducing factors. Therefore, when the seasons change, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay more attention.

Protect against cold. Take care to avoid cold in diet. After Bailu, it is easy to cause intestinal diseases if you continue to eat a lot of melons and fruits. In addition, the intake of cold drinks and ice cream should be appropriately reduced.

People's Daily (October 20, 2023, 17th edition)

(Editor in charge: Hu Yongqiu, Yue Hongbin)