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What is "three minus three health"? Let me tell you the answer today!

15:20, October 7, 2021 Source: Trends of disease control in China

As we all know, "three subtractions and three health" should be achieved if you want to be healthy! So, what is "three minus three health"? Today we will "plate" it!

At present, with the accelerated pace of life, chronic diseases (such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and other diseases) have gradually become the number one public enemy threatening human health. Therefore, only by advocating a healthy lifestyle for all people and strengthening the awareness of "three reductions and three health" can we actively enjoy an optimistic and open-minded life.

What is "three minus three health"?

Reduce salt intake, sugar intake and oil intake.

Advocate healthy oral cavity, healthy weight and healthy bones.

Why "three minus three health"?

Long term high salt, high oil, high sugar diet is easy to cause hypertension, high blood fat, obesity and other problems, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes. If long-term abnormal blood fat can also cause fatty liver, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, renal arteriosclerosis, renal hypertension, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the most common oral diseases. The non countercurrent loss of calcium is also likely to cause bone health problems such as osteoporosis.

How to achieve "three subtractions and three health"?

Salt reduction: The daily salt intake of healthy adults (including the amount of salt in soy sauce and other foods) should not exceed 5g.

(1) To correct the salty taste, vinegar, lemon juice, spices, ginger and other condiments can be used to improve the taste of dishes.

(2) Take the total amount control, use the salt limiting spoon, and put the dishes according to the amount.

(3) Use low sodium salt, low sodium soy sauce or salt limited soy sauce, and put less monosodium glutamate.

(4) Eat less pickles, pickles and other salty foods.

(5) Eat less snacks, learn to read food labels, and refuse high salt food.

Oil reduction: control cooking oil consumption, and each person consumes 25g of cooking oil every day.

(1) Use steaming, boiling, stewing, braising, mixing and other methods without oil and with less oil.

(2) The total amount control shall be adopted, and the oil control kettle shall be used to take according to the amount.

(3) Eat less fried food, such as fried chicken legs, French fries, fried chicken wings, fried fritters, etc.

(4) No vegetable soup.

(5) Eat less prepackaged food containing "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil", "shortening", "cream", "fat powder" and "margarine".

Sugar reduction: The daily intake of added sugar per person should not exceed 50g, and it is better to control it below 25g.

(1) Drink more plain water, and do not drink or drink less sugary drinks.

(2) Eat less sweets and snacks.

(3) Use less sugar when cooking food.

Healthy weight: Healthy diet and proper exercise are the key to maintain a healthy weight.

(1) The food is diversified, mainly cereals; Eating and movement balance, healthy weight; Eat more fruits and vegetables, milk and soybeans; Eat fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat in moderation; Less salt and oil, sugar control and alcohol restriction; Put an end to waste and promote new food trends.

(2) Do not overeat, regularly and quantitatively, chew carefully and swallow slowly.

(3) Be quiet and active, and stick to it.

(4) Walk ten thousand steps a day and measure your strength moderately.

Healthy oral cavity: good oral hygiene, sound oral function and no oral diseases.

(1) Brush your teeth in the morning and evening to keep your mouth clean.

(2) Rinse or chew sugar free gum after meals.

(3) Use fluoride toothpaste.

(4) Eat less sugar and drink less carbonated drinks.

(5) Parents should help or supervise children under 6 years old to brush their teeth.

(6) Clean (wash) your teeth once a year.

(7) Regular oral examination.

(8) Smoking is harmful to periodontal health.

(9) Symptoms such as gum bleeding, gum swelling and food impaction should be treated in hospital in time.

Healthy bones: Calcium is the key element that determines bone health. When the calcium "expenditure" in the body is greater than "income", bone health problems such as osteoporosis will be triggered.

(1) Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as milk, yogurt, beans and bean products, shrimp skin, sea fish, eggs and animal liver.

(2) Eat a light diet and reduce salt intake.

(3) Drink less coffee, carbonated drinks and wine.

(4) The average daily sunshine is at least 20 minutes.

(5) Exercise moderately to maintain and improve the function of muscles and joints.

(6) Balance exercises (such as golden rooster standing on one's feet, hop, etc.) can reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

(Source: National Healthy Lifestyle Action)

(Editor in charge: Cui Yuanyuan, Li Yuan)