People's Network Health · Life

One minute health preservation class

Four simple stretching movements to improve sitting discomfort in the workplace

Qiao Yeqiong Intern Cao Ruiying

08:25, April 19, 2023 Source: People's Network

With the improvement of health awareness, more and more people begin to pay attention to TCM regimen. Now it's spring, how should we keep in good health scientifically? In this issue of "One Minute Health Preservation Class", Cao Bingyan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that traditional Chinese medicine has always had the idea of nourishing tendons in spring, and recommended four methods of stretching tendons.

"Many people sit at their desks for a long time at work, lasting for 8 hours or more. They may brush their mobile phones or work overtime after returning home, and continue to sit for a long time, which is very unfriendly to tendons," Cao Bingyan said.

Cao Bingyan said that among the five bodies of spleen, pulse, meat, tendon and bone, tendon needs the most maintenance. The reinforcement is well maintained, and there is a saying that "the reinforcement is one inch long and the service life is extended for ten years"; If the tendon is not well maintained, the human body will frequently feel that the tendon is short, that is, the flexibility becomes poor.

So, is there a simple and feasible method of lacing? Cao Bingyan demonstrated.

Taking the neck tie as an example, it is safer to choose the sitting or lying position. Take the left side as an example, turn the left hand to the right side of the head, tilt the head 30-45 ° to the left, and keep the right neck slightly tensed for 10-15 seconds, 2-3 times a day; You can also cross your hands behind your head to tilt your head forward by 15 °, keep your head slightly pushed back against your hands, and make the muscles at the back of your neck feel slightly strained. Keep it for 10-15 seconds, 2-3 times a day.

For the tie bars at the back of the thigh and waist, first the leg flexes, and then the hands are crossed and buckled on the knee to make the thigh close to the chest and abdomen. Keep a slight tension for 10-15 seconds, 2-3 times a day.

Take the left side as an example, firstly, the left knee joint flexes to make the heel close to the hip, and use the left hand to make the heel closer to the hip, and make the front thigh muscle feel slightly tensed for 10-15 seconds, 2-3 times a day.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Gao Lei)

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