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One minute health preservation class

Will wearing headphones for a long time bring about "hidden" damage? Expert tips: follow the "60-60-60" principle

Qiao Yeqiong Intern Cao Ruiying

08:21, March 3, 2023 Source: People's Network

March 3 is the 24th National Ear Care Day. The theme of this year is "Ear Care in Science to Achieve Active Health". For many people, wearing earphones anytime and anywhere has become the norm of life. Will this have a negative impact on hearing? In this issue of "One Minute Health Preservation Class", Wang Ning, director of the Third Ward of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Department of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, explained relevant knowledge to netizens.

Wang Ning expressed that, The structure of the ear is precise and the function is complex. Compared with hearing loss caused by other reasons, the damage caused by wearing earphones for a long time often has a strong "concealment" and is not easy to be detected.

He stressed that long, close and high decibel sounds may cause inner ear hair cell fatigue and temporary hearing loss. In the long run, it will cause permanent damage to sensory cells and other ear structures, causing noise deafness or hidden hearing loss, which is irreversible once it occurs.

"In addition, wearing earphones for a long time will also make users with sensitive ear canal skin feel stuffy, blocked, and even eczema or inflammation," Wang Ning said.

Wang Ning suggested that in daily life, wearing earphones should follow the "60-60-60 principle", that is, the time for each use of earphones should not exceed 60 minutes, the volume should not exceed 60% of the maximum value, and the ambient noise should not exceed 60 decibels.

Wang Ning reminded us not to wear earphones in noisy environments, because there is a lot of background noise in buses, subways and other environments. If we use earphones at this time, we will unconsciously increase the volume of earphones, affect hearing, and also easily bring traffic safety hazards.

When selecting earphones, it is better to choose the earmuff type. The stimulation of the external auditory canal and eardrum is small, and the volume of the earphones should be freely and flexibly adjusted. In case of excessive sound, it can be adjusted in time. When using earphones, pay attention to regular cleaning and disinfection of earphones to prevent ear canal infection caused by earphones pollution.

Finally, when symptoms such as tinnitus appear in the ears, we must seek medical advice in time and actively treat them. If the best window period of treatment is missed or the treatment is improper, hearing loss may accompany for life.  

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Lv Qian)

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