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One minute health preservation class

What should we pay attention to when driving on National Day?

Qiao Yeqiong Intern Zhang Shiyue

09:06, October 1, 2022 Source: People's Network

When the National Day holiday comes, it is a rare time for leisure and relaxation. Many people have arranged self driving tours. However, if they drive for a long time and sit for a long time, they often suffer from discomfort in the waist and back, or even lumbar disc herniation. How to avoid low back pain caused by long sitting? Yu Yan, deputy chief physician of spinal surgery of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, explained relevant knowledge to netizens.

According to Yu Yan, the human spine consists of 33 vertebrae from top to bottom, including cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebra and sacrococcygeal vertebra. Generally, the sacrococcygeal vertebrae are fused together after adulthood, and the rest of the spine, together with the intervertebral disc, surrounding ligaments, and soft tissue, form a chain structure with free movement and strong support.

"The spine has its normal physiological curvature. Viewed from the rear, the coronal plane of the spine is vertical and symmetrical. Viewed from the side, the deformed surface of the spine has four physiological curvature, namely, cervical lordosis (about 25 degrees), thoracic kyphosis (30-40 degrees), lumbar lordosis (55-65 degrees), and sacral kyphosis. The spinal dysmorphic surface is' S' shaped, which can enhance the stability of the upright posture and cushion the shock. " Yu Yan said.

Yu Yan said that many people will lean forward excessively when driving, resulting in the lumbar spine turning from the original physiological protrusion into a completely straight lumbar spine. Maintaining this posture for a long time is likely to lead to discomfort in the waist and back, and even suffer from lumbar disc herniation.

"Considering the design of many car seats, there will be a gap between the position of the waist and neck of the human body and the seat, which is very detrimental to the protection of the waist and neck." Yu Yan suggested that the lumbar support and neck support can be arranged, and a support can be added at the position of the lumbar spine and cervical lordosis to reduce the pressure on the waist and neck from sitting for a long time.

"In addition, if conditions permit, you should try to avoid driving for a long time. Generally, you should drive for more than 45 minutes continuously, up to 2 hours, and take a few minutes off." Yu Yan added.

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Gao Lei)

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