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One minute health preservation class

Heat stroke can also occur in hot weather

08:18, August 10, 2022 Source: People's Network

Recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue an orange high temperature warning. High temperatures continued in many parts of the country, with some local areas reaching 40 ℃ or above. High temperature weather will not only lead to physical heatstroke, but also easily lead to negative psychological symptoms. In this issue of "One Minute Health Preservation Class", Zhang Xingwen, director of the Third Emergency Department and chief physician of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, focused on emotional heatstroke, which is called "summer affective disorder syndrome" in medicine.

Zhang Xingwen said that emotional heatstroke is mainly manifested in irritability, irritability, irritability, thinking disorder, abnormal behavior, lack of interest in things, inattention, easy forgetfulness, etc. Many people often become angry because of trivial things.

"This is because the continuous hot and muggy weather when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius and the sunshine exceeds 12 hours will have a significant negative impact on the emotional regulation center of the human hypothalamus, thus causing the above situation," said Zhang Xingwen.

He suggested that travel time should be reasonably selected. Avoid going out at the hottest time of the day, and do not stay in a closed air-conditioned room for too long.

Try listening to white noise, such as the patter of rain, the rustle of wind blowing leaves, or pink noise, such as the sound of waterfalls and small rain, which can reassure people and stabilize their emotions.

Replenish water at any time. Replenish an appropriate amount of water every 20 minutes. The water temperature should not be too high. Try to drink less cold water or iced drinks. When sweating a lot, you should add salt and minerals, and you can also drink sports drinks properly.

In addition, Zhang Xingwen stressed that in some cases, some people will have chest tightness, panic and other "false heart disease". In this case, you must see a doctor in time and check the symptoms according to the doctor's advice.

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Lv Qian)

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