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One minute health preservation class

Is acne related to youth? Doctors share dry goods

People's Daily Online reporter Qiao Yeqiong

09:20, April 25, 2022 Source: People's Network

For many people, acne in adolescence is a very depressing and inevitable thing, which not only seriously affects their personal image, but also is often accompanied by pain, which is unbearable. Ren Yunqing, Deputy Director of Dermatology Department of Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, was invited to share relevant knowledge with netizens in this issue of One Minute Health Maintenance Class.

"In recent years, more and more students come to the clinic because of acne, showing a trend of younger age. Some children start to have acne when they are only eight or nine years old." Ren Yunqing introduced that acne is called acne in medicine, which is a chronic inflammatory skin disease prone to occur in adolescence, but it is not completely limited by age, from infants to adults, Almost all age groups can get sick. According to the nature of the rash, it is generally divided into 3 degrees and 4 grades, that is, mild (Grade I): only acne; Moderate (Grade II): inflammatory papule; Moderate (Grade III): pustule; Severe (Grade IV): nodules and cysts.

Some parents think that acne is a necessary process in the development period, and it will be better when they grow up. In this regard, Ren Yunqing said that although acne may have a certain degree of self-healing with age, in addition to diet, sleep and other factors, children who get sick earlier may be more closely related to genetic factors. Usually, this kind of acne is more stubborn, serious and persistent, and may even develop into polymerized acne, leaving pockmarks and even permanent scars.

"Acne cannot be absolutely eradicated, but it can be well controlled and relieved by going to a regular hospital for treatment as soon as possible to avoid permanent acne marks and scars," Ren said.

In daily life, Ren Yunqing suggested that people should try to avoid squeezing and scratching skin lesions with their hands; For local cleaning, clean water or appropriate facial cleaning products should be selected to remove the mixture of excess oil, dander and bacteria on the skin surface, but excessive cleaning is not allowed.

Ren Yunqing expressed that, Daily use of humectants can reduce the loss of transcutaneous water and reduce skin inflammation. Moreover, many acne oral and topical drugs are irritating to the skin, which will aggravate the damage of the skin barrier and lead to skin sensitivity. It is recommended to use together with medical skin care products, such as soothing, oil control and moisturizing cream, to maintain and repair the skin barrier function.

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Gao Lei)

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